Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1993 The influence of dilemmas discussion on the work ethic and on the level of novel judgment of pupils from vocational schools (HEBREW) MA Pinkas, Avraham Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
1993 The influence of the Cognitive Program for Young Children (CCYC) in cognitive modifiability, intrinsic motivation and school readiness of culturally deprived kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Seliger, Monika Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1993 The relationship between attributional style, depression and self-esteem (HEBREW) MA Shlomi, Ronit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1993 The development of motivational orientation and locus of control among students in elementary and secondary high school: A longitudinal research (HEBREW) MA Talmor, Rachel Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1993 Commitment to the institute of marriage - Design of a tool and its validation (HEBREW) MA Tirer, Ayala Dr.
1993 Self-questioning and achievements in geography of 7th grade students (HEBREW) MA Yedid, Rachel Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1992 The relationship between two educational systems and the level of vocational maturity and self-concept of their pupils (HEBREW) MA Abir, Yardena Dr. Rachel Shifron
1992 The Sabbatical Year effect upon elementary schoolteachers' burnout (HEBREW) MA Alfasi, Sara Prof. Haim Gaziel
1992 The influence of the type of problem, student character and teacher's educational attitude on the teacher's perception of discipline problems in the classroom (HEBREW) MA Avraham, Aliza Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1992 The relationship between categorical memory and categorical thinking among learning disabled children (HEBREW) PhD Falk, Bracha Prof.
1992 The influence of student characteristics and type of problem upon teachers' attitudes towards difficult students (HEBREW) MA Gellis, Shlomit Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1992 The influence of student characteristics and type of problem upon teachers' attitudes towards difficult students (HEBREW) MA Gellis, Shlomit Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1992 Achievements and interest in Talmud as a function of teaching mediational strategies, cognitive modifiability beliefs, student's intellectual skills, and motivational orientation (HEBREW) MA Gross, Ariel Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1992 The relationship between pupils' conception of school life quality and achievement in matriculation examinations (HEBREW) MA Kalderon, Gila Dr. Hannah Shachar
1992 The relationship between level and type of education and the use of a comprehensive approach to decision making processes (HEBREW) PhD Klein, Joseph Prof. Haim Gaziel
1992 Parental and professional attitudes regarding existing and required social services for retarded persons and their families (HEBREW) MA Limor-Goldstein, Shoshanah Prof. Yaacov Rand
1992 The physico-chemical reductionism in biology: How is it conceived by scientists, teachers' educators, science teachers, biology student teachers and biology high school students? Implications to science and value education: A pilot study (HEBREW) MA Mamluk, Rachel Dr. Joseph Nussbaum
1992 The effect of using a computer with "Think Link" software on the level of analogical thinking of preschool children (HEBREW) MA Nir Gal, Ofra Prof. Pnina Klein
1992 The connection between ethos of junior high schools and students' social orientations and their school satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Talila, Ovadia Prof. Miryam Shemida
1992 Family relations as perceived by dorm-in and live-at-home yeshivah high school students (HEBREW) MA Tanjo, Bruria Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
1991 Democracy in the Arab high school in Israel (HEBREW) MA Egbaria Abd-Ellateef Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1991 The education system of modern Japan and its centrality in society (HEBREW) MA Eran, Sarah Prof. Yaakov Iram
1991 Public health nurses in-service programs - an evaluation study (HEBREW) MA Harary, Ilana Prof. Oded Schremer
1991 Effects of two preschool enrichment programs on learning skills (HEBREW) PhD Ishay, Ada Dr.
1991 Effects of two preschool enrichment programs on learning skills (HEBREW) PhD Ishay, Ada Dr.