Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2010 The relationship between the locus of control, significance of the teacher and educational achievements: comparison between pupils from Israeli families of Ethiopian origin and pupils from Israeli families of non-Ethiopian origin (HEBREW) MA Finger, Rvital Dr. David Zuckerman
2008 The relationship between organizational school climate, self efficacy and burnout among teachers in elementary schools (HEBREW) MA Bar-Nir, Sara Dr. David Zuckerman
2007 The relation between self image and counseling self-efficacy beliefs and the preference of counseling work style and school level, among counseling students (HEBREW) MA Shachner-Hagay, Moran Dr. David Zuckerman
2006 Relationships between separation-individuation, community support and subjective well-being among young adults in kibbutzim (HEBREW) MA Loewenbach, Uzi Dr. David Zuckerman
2006 The link between intimacy aspects, motivation of intimate-romantic relationships and self-image among adolescents (HEBREW) MA Moshkowitz, Tzvia Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 The relationship between self-concept, locus of control and gender perception of Israeli adolescents (HEBREW) MA Cohen Shwartzman, Ortal Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 Adolescents’ readiness to turn to differet sources of help according to type of source and level of familiarity with it, type of problem, and adolescent’s religiosity and gender (HEBREW) MA Kaim, Zeev Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 Children’s reaction to stress in times of terror, attacks as a function of trait anxiety, locus of control, religiousness and proximity (physical and psychological) to terror events (HEBREW) MA Naim, Rinat Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 The relationship between web characteristics, personality characteristics and the tendency to use cybercounseling (HEBREW) MA Selinger, Orit Dr. David Zuckerman
2003 The perceived commitment to home and career, the conflict between them, and work values among female adolescents and young female adults, as a function of age and religious sector (HEBREW) MA Hirshfeld, Shlomit Dr. David Zuckerman
2002 The relationship between attachment styles, self-concept and test anxiety (HEBREW) MA Even-Souiz, Rozit Dr. David Zuckerman
2002 The relation between work stress, ways of coping with stress and personality type (A/B) to marital quality of counselors (HEBREW) MA Nakdimon, Ilanit Dr. David Zuckerman