Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2023 Contribution of socio-economic status, home literacy and maternal mediation to acquisition of child's vocabulary learning : a pioneering study among toddlers from low SES (HEBREW) MA Kalazan, Bracha Prof. Ofra Korat
2023 Duration of literacy traditional and digital activity before and during the Corona crisis and parents' assessment of the child's emergent literacy : a comparison between the Arab society and the Jewish society (HEBREW) MA Mahameed, Walaa Prof. Ofra Korat
2023 Does an intervention program on shared reading for mothers from a low SES promote mothers' mediation and children's story understanding of cognitive and socio-emotional aspects? (HEBREW) MA Turjeman, Rachely Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Contribution of SES and duration of literacy activity at home to parental evaluation of their child literacy skills : a comparison between pre and during Covid-19 period in the Arab society (HEBREW) MA Amer, Khadija Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Contribution of SES, HLE and parental beliefs to literacy activity during COVID 19 : a study among Arabic-speaking preschool children (HEBREW) MA Egbaria, Abeer Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Will intervention program of book reading in the Arabic society promote maternal beliefs, maternal mediation, and child's socio-emotional understanding and story comprehension (HEBREW) MA Isa, Saja Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Relationship between caregiver's beliefs and their mediation in story book reading to toddlers : will an intervention program make a difference? (HEBREW) MA Muchtar, Liora Prof. Ofra Korat
2022 Maternal beliefs and mediation in book reading and child's language enrichment : intervention study in the Arabic society (HEBREW) MA Sarhan, Zaki Prof. Ofra Korat
2021 Emergent reading literacy of children of speech therapist mothers compares to children of mothers of other professions and child's individual aspects (HEBREW) MA Barlevy, Bat Tsion Prof. Ofra Korat
2021 Contribution of the mother's profession and the humor literacy environment to children's emergent writing : a comparison between mothers who are occupational therapists and mothers with other professions (Hebrew) MA Ben Tzvi, Avia Prof. Ofra Korat
2019 Do e-book story expansions contribute to story comprehension amongst LSES preschoolers beyond individual factors (HEBREW) MA Goral, Dikla Prof. Ofra Korat
2019 Influence of type of dictionary support in an e-book and children's initial vocabulary levels on new words learning among LSES children (HEBREW) MA Hasson , Moran Prof. Ofra Korat
2018 Dictionary support and story content expansion and their effect on words’ learning, story comprehension and story retelling following e-book reading (HEBREW) MA Kristal, Noi Prof. Ofra Korat
2018 Understanding a story and retrieving it aftar reading the electronic book with a support level of detail, support level of inference and support level of the combination between them (HEBREW) MA Shabo-Rozanski , Gili Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 Background music and story content expansion in electronic book as story comprehension and retelling facilitators for kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Ben-Shabat Segre, Anat Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 Can oral repetition of a word and its meaning promote word learning? : an experiment with e-book support in the Arabic language (HEBREW) MA Mahamid, Nareman Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 Learning new words by reading an electronic book compared to mothers reading a printing book to their children (HEBREW) MA Novak-Shaked, Dor Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 Can e-book support LSES parental mediation for enriching child’s vocabulary (HEBREW) MA Shneor, Daphna Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 Repeated e-book reading and its influence on words’ learning and story comprehension among preschoolers and first-graders (HEBREW) PhD Shoham-Gueta, Tamar Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 The impact of child’s initial language level and gender on words learning after using a digital e-book with dictionary and background music (HEBREW) MA Sin Natalie Prof. Ofra Korat
2016 Vocabulary enrichment among LSES kindergarten children using educational e-book with and without kindergarten teacher’s mediation (HEBREW) PhD Atishkin, Shifra Prof. Ofra Korat
2016 The impact of dictionary enrichment in e-book on novel words learning: comparison between kindergarteners with and without SLI (HEBREW) MA Graister, Tzlil Prof. Ofra Korat
2016 Repeated activity with a dictionary in an e-book and its contribution to learning new words among kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Kozlov-Peretz, Olla Prof. Ofra Korat
2016 Support of story comprehension and story production using e-book with kindergarten teachers’ mediation (HEBREW) PhD Tourgeman, Merave Prof. Ofra Korat
2014 Effect of reading an e-book with dictionary on word comprehension and spelling among low ses second graders (HEBREW) MA Bokobza, Limor Prof. Ofra Korat