Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1997 Teacher's attitude towards Kadushin's supervision model (HEBREW) MA Ben Zvi, Rina Dr. Rachel Shifron
1996 Contribution of mutual experiences in building the adaptation dimension between couples 'Affectional expression, cohesion, consensus & satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Bental, Ayelet Dr. Rachel Shifron
1995 The relationship between personality and participation in breast cancer instructional program (HEBREW) MA Berkowitz Mallka Dr. Rachel Shifron
1993 The relationship between the background variables, need for social approval, attitudes toward motherhood and the femininity of the professions among women (HEBREW) MA Carmeli, Limor Dr. Rachel Shifron
1993 The correlation between the father's unemployment and the career development of his adolescent children (HEBREW) MA Gali-Cinamon, Rachel Dr. Rachel Shifron
1992 The relationship between two educational systems and the level of vocational maturity and self-concept of their pupils (HEBREW) MA Abir, Yardena Dr. Rachel Shifron