Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2009 Bolstering the sense of self-efficacy and identity of teachers through the medium of three empowerment techniques: coaching, psychodrama and frontal empowerment (HEBREW) MA Danan, Saadia Prof. Yaacov Katz
2009 Knowledge, feelings, and attitudes of third-generation Israeli and Canadian adolescents toward the holocaust: changes following the journey to Poland (HEBREW) PhD Lev, Michal Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2009 The relationship between high school students’ participation in competitive sport, personality characteristics and academic achievement (HEBREW) PhD Shachaf, Miri Prof. Yaacov Katz
2009 Identity and adaption of immigrants from Soviet Union to the Israeli society: comparison between Jewish immigrants, converted immigrants and not Jewish immigrants (HEBREW) MA Tenzer, Anna Prof. Yaacov Katz
2007 The relationship between discipline styles of teachers and parents and pupils’ behavior (HEBREW) MA Sapir, Liat Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2006 Adjustment of adolescent of divorced parents - an interaction effect of personality related an[d] family related variables (HEBREW) PhD Finkelstein-Bettesh, Idit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2005 The connection between art education and violence among junior high school students (HEBREW) MA Kadosh-Atari, Dorit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2005 Parental discourse at the stage of filling out the "questionnaire on placement preference" on the eve of a son’s conscription into an IDF combat unit (HEBREW) PhD Luski, Avishi Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2005 The development of implicit and explicit morphological knowledge among young readers (HEBREW) PhD Yamin, Reut Prof. Yaacov Katz
Dr. Michal Raveh
2003 The effect of "Three-Dimensionality" as a representation mode on sequential time perception, on hearing-impaired and hearing children (HEBREW) PhD Eden, Sigal Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. David Passig
2003 Self-image and belief in the ability to effect change among adolescents in boarding-school (HEBREW) MA Hirsch, Rivka Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 Identification of basic emotions and emotional characteristics following positive and negative feedback among gifted and non-gifted children (HEBREW) PhD Revhon-Damti, Netta Dr. Naomi Bat-Zion
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 The relation between personality variables and learning achievements in a multi-age (infant school) and single-age educational framework in the Arabic-speaking population (Arabs, Druze, Bedouins) (HEBREW) PhD Rosenwald, Milka Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 Factors affecting willingness or reluctance to seek help in the event of school violence (HEBREW) PhD Yablon, Yaacov Boaz Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 The influence of the school primary prevention program "alcohol and driving" on adolescents with and without a risk-taking tendency (HEBREW) MA Zak, Irina Prof. Yaacov Katz
2002 Emotional intelligence and reference to attachment styles among boys and girls teens (HEBREW) MA Ariav Shoval, Irit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2001 Improvement in the perception of the quality of the social relations and the cohesiveness perception as a function of participation in "the individual and the together in co-existence" project (HEBREW) MA Arad, Shoshi Prof. Yaacov Katz
2001 The relation between participation in "Na’ale" project and improvement of academic achievements in mathematics and reading comprehension (HEBREW) MA Weis-Ratz, Ronit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2000 The connection between the infant school and personality variables on the child (HEBREW) MA Rosenwald, Milka Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 Learned resourcefulness of boys and girls in adolescence and it's correlation to self-efficacy and social competence (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Adina Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 The relation between the risk-taking tendency in adolescence and attachment styles, ego identity and logical thinking (HEBREW) MA Booskila-Sibony, Orly Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 Intevention by counseling which is intented to bring about a change of attitudes towards school violence and improve class climate (HEBREW) MA Eluz (Riese), Na'ama Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 The effects of the father's absence/presence and the marital satisfaction on the child's self-concept, his adjustment and school achievement in Military families (HEBREW) MA Panek, Ruth Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Self-concept and friendliness of students with learning-difficulties studying in two different integrative frameworks in comparison with regular students (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Raphael-Yehonatan Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Examination of variables: self image, academic achievement, social orientations and locus of control within an unique environment for "Mifneh" detached youth (HEBREW) MA Sasoon-Peretz, Vered Prof. Yaacov Katz