Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1998 Parental attitudes relating to their multiply handicapped children as influenced by facilitated communication (HEBREW) MA Chukat, Chani Dr. Adriana Feldman
1992 The relationship between categorical memory and categorical thinking among learning disabled children (HEBREW) PhD Falk, Bracha Prof.
1991 Effects of two preschool enrichment programs on learning skills (HEBREW) PhD Ishay, Ada Dr.
1985 A comparison of special education students (borderline and slightly retarded) in vocational junior high school and integrated junior high school in the area of personality, achievement and social status (HEBREW) MA Yaacobi, Shalom Prof.
1984 The teaching of Hebrew reading in Eretz Israel: Critical analysis of its development, problems, methods and results (HEBREW) PhD Gillis Miriam Prof.
1977 The motor and visual components in the process of writing (HEBREW) MA Abramovitch Neomi Prof.
1976 Variability and instability in perceptual and reading functions in children with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Aviezer, Ya'ara Prof.
1975 The most suitable framework for students requiring a special education (HEBREW) MA Serussi Nissim Prof.