Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2007 Between guardian of the threshold and agent of change: haredi women in the areas of education, work and leisure in the light of grounded theory (HEBREW) PhD Layosh, Bella Prof. Miryam Shemida
2005 An intervention program for promoting perception of emotional non-verbal messages and social performance of adolescents with learning disabilities (HEBREW) PhD Greenbank, Alicia Prof. Miryam Shemida
1999 Procedural justice in educational placement of "exceptional" student in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Mutzafi, David Prof. Miryam Shemida
1994 The community level at elementary schools and its impact on teachers, pupils and parents (HEBREW) MA Shaki, Chava Prof. Miryam Shemida
1992 The connection between ethos of junior high schools and students' social orientations and their school satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Talila, Ovadia Prof. Miryam Shemida
1986 Education for democracy: characteristics and measurement in the high schools (HEBREW) PhD Zidkiyahu, Shlomo Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Miryam Shemida
1985 Differential methods in vocational education for acquiring workers "Role-Resources" in industry (HEBREW) MA Yachil, Chaim Prof. Miryam Shemida
1981 The vocational Yeshiva - an educational framework for heterogeneous students population (HEBREW) MA Dokow, Shmuel Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
Prof. Miryam Shemida
1976 An investigation of social integration and social attitudes of pupils after the establishment of junior high schools in the Israeli school system (HEBREW) MA Katz, Yaacov Prof. Miryam Shemida
1971 Leisure and patterns of its use: a study of patterns of spending leisure time by students of the Arab high-schools in the Triangle area (HEBREW) MA Sarsour, Sa'ad Prof. Miryam Shemida
Dr. Leonard Weller