Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1974 The educational significance of social sanctions in high school (HEBREW) MA Kurz, Aaron Dr. a Green
Dr. Nissan Rubin
1974 The educational significance of social sanctions in high school (HEBREW) MA Kurz, Aaron Dr. a Green
Dr. Nissan Rubin
1974 The educational aspects of the Maimonidean Code (HEBREW) PhD Rappel Dov Prof. David Ochs
1973 The school social worker's perception of his own role, and the perception of his role by professionals of other disciplines, functioning in the school, and clarification regarding the body of knowledge required by the school social worker (HEBREW) MA Albeck, Shulamith Dr. Shmuel Nadler
1973 Comparison of learning achievement resulting from two teaching methods applied in a school for apprentices (boys): frontal instruction and Intra-class grouping instruction (HEBREW) MA Dancig, Eitan Dr. Chaim I. Brawer
Dr. a Green
1973 Comparison of learning achievement resulting from two teaching methods applied in a school for apprentices (boys): frontal instruction and Intra-class grouping instruction (HEBREW) MA Dancig, Eitan Dr. Chaim I. Brawer
Dr. a Green
1973 A comparison of the adjustment of new immigrant pupils from the U.S.A and U.S.S.R in residential educational institutions (HEBREW) MA Katovitz, Dov Dr. a Green
1973 The history of the Hebrew gymnasium in Munkacz (HEBREW) MA Udi, Sarah Dr. Joseph Walk
1972 Variables of reading disability in borderline children (HEBREW) MA Eliram, Jehuda Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
1972 The youth leader in the religious youth movement: desirable personal qualities as an aspect in directing young people to youth leadership (HEBREW) MA Levisohn, Eran Prof. Yaacov Rand
1972 Changes in the Jewish education system in Palestine (Eretz Yisrael), 1932-1939 (HEBREW) MA Shilhav Yaacov Prof. Mordechai Eliav
1971 The development of the comprehensive school, and an examination of its role in preventing drop outs (HEBREW) MA Kandal, Isaac Dr. Chaim I. Brawer
1971 The Yeshiva education in Israel: a comparison of the education in the "Musar" movement and the education in the Yeshiva of Chabad (HEBREW) MA Kopelowitz, Ester Dr. Joseph Walk
1971 An examination of the professional self consent of the counselor (HEBREW) MA Loewenstein, Dalia Prof. Iosef Glanz
1971 Leisure and patterns of its use: a study of patterns of spending leisure time by students of the Arab high-schools in the Triangle area (HEBREW) MA Sarsour, Sa'ad Prof. Miryam Shemida
Dr. Leonard Weller
1971 Leisure and patterns of its use: a study of patterns of spending leisure time by students of the Arab high-schools in the Triangle area (HEBREW) MA Sarsour, Sa'ad Prof. Miryam Shemida
Dr. Leonard Weller
1970 Faith and science - methods of exposition in the religious school (HEBREW) MA Schneller, Raphael Prof. Iosef Glanz
Prof. David Ochs
1970 Faith and science - methods of exposition in the religious school (HEBREW) MA Schneller, Raphael Prof. Iosef Glanz
Prof. David Ochs