Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2012 The factors for a substantial reduction in the Tay-Sachs disease amidst the Jewish population (HEBREW) MA Yifrach, Yehuda Udi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2012 Implicit and explicit memory among individuals with Williams syndrome, individuals with down syndrome and individuals with Fragile X compared to typically developed children (HEBREW) MA Yihye, Meital Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
Prof. Eli Vakil
2012 Implicit and explicit memory among individuals with Williams syndrome, individuals with down syndrome and individuals with Fragile X compared to typically developed children (HEBREW) MA Yihye, Meital Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
Prof. Eli Vakil
2012 Beginning teacher’s and mentor teacher’s perceptions regarding learning from success (HEBREW) MA Zur, Iris Prof. Chen Schechter
2011 Academic and social adjustment of university students with visual impairment PhD Almog, Nitsan Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2011 Special education curriculum in Isrel 1959-2007: a case study (HEBREW) MA Alter-Shemesh, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2011 Special education curriculum in Isrel 1959-2007: a case study (HEBREW) MA Alter-Shemesh, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2011 Perception of desired democratic climate and the tendency to authoritative personality of Arab teachers from the North and Arab Beduin teachers from the Negev among Arab Beduin schools in the Negev (HEBREW) MA Assaf, Muger Prof. Zehavit Gross
2011 The quality of toddler-adult interaction at home in day care in relation to social-emotional behavior and parent-child relationship at school age (HEBREW) MA Atira, Guila Prof. Pnina Klein
2011 The relationship between school perceptions, gender, socio-economic status, and involvement in violence among palestinian and Arab-Israeli junior high and high school students (HEBREW) MA Awissat, Magdi Dr. Avigail Yinon
2011 Effect of an electronic storybook, applying a metacognitive approach, on the mathematical readiness of preschoolers at risk for learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Baruch, Dorit Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2011 Modalities of metacognitive regulation and learning style in problem solving of digital logic (HEBREW) MA Ben Joseph, Noah Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2011 Relationship between "special abilities" and autism syptoms and child and familial characteristics (HEBREW) MA Binet, Aviva Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Dr. Ester Ben-Itzchak
2011 Relationship between "special abilities" and autism syptoms and child and familial characteristics (HEBREW) MA Binet, Aviva Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Dr. Ester Ben-Itzchak
2011 Burnout and professional and status image from the standpoint of ultra-orthodox teachers in "Beit Yaakov" schools (HEBREW) MA Bouhnik, Oshrat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2011 Duration of absence from home and attachment parrents of IDF career soldiers as predictors of perception of parental functioning and role distribution in the family (HEBREW) MA Candioty, Riki Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2011 Duration of absence from home and attachment parrents of IDF career soldiers as predictors of perception of parental functioning and role distribution in the family (HEBREW) MA Candioty, Riki Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2011 Motor learning in young females with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (HEBREW) MA Carmel, Liat Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2011 Information overload, time pressure and school organizational structure, as perceived by school staff (HEBREW) PhD Chen-Levi, Tamar Dr. Hannah Shachar
2011 The effect of inter-ethnic contact on Jewish and Arab children’s conceptions of ethnic categories PhD Deeb, Inas Prof.
2011 Estrangement from religion among youth in Judea and Samaria (HEBREW) MA Elgavish, Yosef Dr. Tova Hartman
2011 Developing and field-testing an instrument to measure organizational learning mechanisms in secondary schools (HEBREW) MA Eno-Attarchi, Lilach Prof. Chen Schechter
2011 The father’s perception of his involvement in caregiving for a child with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Erental, Tali Prof. Rachel Schiff
2011 Jewish identity, Israeli identity and sensitivity towards the Shoah: a comparative study of Poland journey alumni and control group (HEBREW) MA Evron, Lilach Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2011 The effects of using laptops on self-esteem motivation and spelling capabilities of students in special education classes (HEBREW) MA Fershtman, Maayan Associate Prof. Adina Shamir