SEE ALSO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HEBREW Degree - Any -MAPhD Advisor - Any -Aaronson Raphael Zvi of Blessed MemoryAdi-Japha EstherAflalo MichalAhrend Moshé Max of Blessed MemoryAlfassi MiriamAltman CarmitAlyagon MichalApel ZeevArmon-Lotem, SharonAsif TsemachAvargil ShirlyBabkoff HarveyBar-Lev Mordechai of Blessed MemoryBar-On AmaliaBat-Zion, NaomiBauminger-Zviely NiritBen-Itzchak EsterBen-Sasson, AyeletBen-Zvi RuthBenDavid-Hadar IrisBenoliel PascaleBental AyeletBentur NettaBerant EtyBornstein JacobBrand EvaBrawer, Chaim I. of Blessed MemoryCatz OrCohen ArieCohen Erik H. of Blessed MemoryCohen-Malayev MayaCourt DeborahDadon-Golan ZehoritDana-Picard NoahDaniel RavivDarom EfarimDarom EfraimDiesendruck GilDon RamiDon-Yehiya EliezerDor-Shav ZechariaEden SigalEfrati YanivEiserhammer MeiraEliav, MordechaiElizur DovEtzion DafnaFaust MiriamFeldman Adriana of Blessed MemoryFeldman RuthFeuerstein Reuven of Blessed MemoryFinzi, RickyFixler DrorFrishtik MordechaiFund ZviaGabis LidiaGaziel HaimGeva RonnyGilat Israel ZviGillis Miriam of Blessed MemoryGlanz Iosef of Blessed MemoryGlaubman RivkaGoldberg YoelGreen AGross ZehavitGross, YigalGudman Ruth of Blessed MemoryGutel NeriaHalamish VeredHalperin EranHarel-Fisch YossiHarrison, Jo-AnnHartman TovaHavlin ShlomoHazan HaimHeiman TaliHenik AvishaiHolzer ElieIluz ShiraIram YaakovIsaacson AtaraIsman EstherIsraelashvili MosheJagerman NuritJeffrey WoolfKaniel ShlomoKatz Yaacov of Blessed MemoryKatzoff, CharlotteKimhi YaelKirsh NuritKlein JosephKlein MosheKlein Pnina, of Blessed MemoryKorat OfraKramarski BrachaLeslau Avraham of Blessed MemoryLevinger UrielLevinson YosefLevy-Gigi EinatLifshitz HefzibaLivnat ZoharMadjar NirMashal NiraMaslovaty Nava, of Blessed MemoryMeiron OdedMenis JosephMerzbach ElyMevarech ZmiraMichael OrlyMichalsky TovaMikulincer MarioMoed AnatNachmias, ShlomoNadler ShmuelNeuman MenahemNussbaum JosephOchs David of Blessed MemoryOffir BaruchOr-Bach IsraelOrnan EttyPassig DavidPaz-Baruch NuritPeleg OrnaPinhasov AlbertPoll ShlomoPoria YanivRam-Tzur RonitRand Yaacov of Blessed MemoryRappel Dov of Blessed MemoryRaveh MichalRavid DoritRazel MichaResnick DavidReychav IrisRich YisraelRolider AmosRomi ShlomoRonen MatiRoss TamarRubin NissanSadetzki, Siegalsaiegh haddad ElinorSaiegh-Haddad ElinorSchachter ElliSchechter ChenScherz ZahavaSchiff RachelSchneller, Raphael of Blessed MemorySchreiber IrisSchremer OdedSchwarzwald, OraShachar HannahShachar RinaShamir AdinaShani KahtaShapira-Lishchinsky OrlySharvit UriShefer ShaharShemida Miryam of Blessed MemoryShen, YeshayahuShield OzerShifron, RachelShnider M.Shohet CillyShrira AmitShulman ShmuelSimpson ShimonSimpson SimonSobelman-Rosenthal VardaSohlberg Shaul C.Spanier Zeev of Blessed MemorySpektor-Levy OrnitStern Eliezer of Blessed MemoryStern HindySukenik NufarSwan JoshuaTal DaliaTaub DavidTidhar ChavaTrau HenriTubul-Lavy GilaTzuriel DavidVakil EliWalk JosephWalters JoelWaniel ArielaWasserstein-Warnet, Mark M.Weiss YitzhakWeller LeonardWohl ArieYablon Yaacov B.Yaoz Hana, of Blessed MemoryYeari MenahemYinon AvigailYoel UriZalkin Avraham of Blessed MemoryZion MichalZiv, A.Zivotofsky Ari Z.Zuckerman Davidאל יגון מיכלבן יצחק אסתרגלבע אבידיזנדרוק גיל הבלין שלמהוולף יובלזיידרמן אדריאןמיקולינסר מריופיקסלר דרורצוקרמן דודרבקה אלקושישחר רינהשקדי אשר Year - Any -20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970 Search Reset Year Student Advisor 2024 The interactive effect of cognitive and regulatory flexibility and continuous school- related stress exposure on the risk of developing clinical symptoms and burnout among counselors and educators PhD Harel, Orly Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi 2023 The interactive effect of flexibility and income on burnout among healthcare providers MA Benenson Barak, Pola Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi 2023 Not only the child ASD severity : the effect of birth order and regulatory flexibility on the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms among parents MA Itzhaki Feuer, Eliana Maayan Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi 2023 Exploring the interactive effect of child functioning and parental cognitive flexibility on PTSD symptom severity in parents of children with ASD MA Vronski, Sivan Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi 2021 The relationship between different types of flexibility and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression following trauma PhD Haim-Nachum, Shilat Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi 2021 The interactive effect of cognitive flexibility and playing a visuospatial game (i.e. ‘tetris’) on the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms following exposure to traumatic incidents MA Perel, Ariel Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi