Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2024 The interactive effect of cognitive and regulatory flexibility and continuous school- related stress exposure on the risk of developing clinical symptoms and burnout among counselors and educators PhD Harel, Orly Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi
2023 The interactive effect of flexibility and income on burnout among healthcare providers MA Benenson Barak, Pola Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi
2023  Not only the child ASD severity : the effect of birth order and regulatory flexibility on the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms among parents MA Itzhaki Feuer, Eliana Maayan Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi
2023 Exploring the interactive effect of child functioning and parental cognitive flexibility on PTSD symptom severity in parents of children with ASD MA Vronski, Sivan Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi
2021 The relationship between different types of flexibility and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression following trauma PhD Haim-Nachum, Shilat Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi
2021 The interactive effect of cognitive flexibility and playing a visuospatial game (i.e. ‘tetris’) on the tendency to develop PTSD symptoms following exposure to traumatic incidents MA Perel, Ariel Associate Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi