SEE ALSO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS IN HEBREW Degree - Any -MAPhD Advisor - Any -Aaronson Raphael Zvi of Blessed MemoryAdi-Japha EstherAflalo MichalAhrend Moshé Max of Blessed MemoryAlfassi MiriamAltman CarmitAlyagon MichalApel ZeevArmon-Lotem, SharonAsif TsemachAvargil ShirlyBabkoff HarveyBar-Lev Mordechai of Blessed MemoryBar-On AmaliaBat-Zion, NaomiBauminger-Zviely NiritBen-Itzchak EsterBen-Sasson, AyeletBen-Zvi RuthBenDavid-Hadar IrisBenoliel PascaleBental AyeletBentur NettaBerant EtyBornstein JacobBrand EvaBrawer, Chaim I. of Blessed MemoryCatz OrCohen ArieCohen Erik H. of Blessed MemoryCohen-Malayev MayaCourt DeborahDadon-Golan ZehoritDana-Picard NoahDaniel RavivDarom EfarimDarom EfraimDiesendruck GilDon RamiDon-Yehiya EliezerDor-Shav ZechariaEden SigalEfrati YanivEiserhammer MeiraEliav, MordechaiElizur DovEtzion DafnaFaust MiriamFeldman Adriana of Blessed MemoryFeldman RuthFeuerstein Reuven of Blessed MemoryFinzi, RickyFixler DrorFrishtik MordechaiFund ZviaGabis LidiaGaziel HaimGeva RonnyGilat Israel ZviGillis Miriam of Blessed MemoryGlanz Iosef of Blessed MemoryGlaubman RivkaGoldberg YoelGreen AGross ZehavitGross, YigalGudman Ruth of Blessed MemoryGutel NeriaHalamish VeredHalperin EranHarel-Fisch YossiHarrison, Jo-AnnHartman TovaHavlin ShlomoHazan HaimHeiman TaliHenik AvishaiHolzer ElieIluz ShiraIram YaakovIsaacson AtaraIsman EstherIsraelashvili MosheJagerman NuritJeffrey WoolfKaniel ShlomoKatz Yaacov of Blessed MemoryKatzoff, CharlotteKimhi YaelKirsh NuritKlein JosephKlein MosheKlein Pnina, of Blessed MemoryKorat OfraKramarski BrachaLeslau Avraham of Blessed MemoryLevinger UrielLevinson YosefLevy-Gigi EinatLifshitz HefzibaLivnat ZoharMadjar NirMashal NiraMaslovaty Nava, of Blessed MemoryMeiron OdedMenis JosephMerzbach ElyMevarech ZmiraMichael OrlyMichalsky TovaMikulincer MarioMoed AnatNachmias, ShlomoNadler ShmuelNeuman MenahemNussbaum JosephOchs David of Blessed MemoryOffir BaruchOr-Bach IsraelOrnan EttyPassig DavidPaz-Baruch NuritPeleg OrnaPinhasov AlbertPoll ShlomoPoria YanivRam-Tzur RonitRand Yaacov of Blessed MemoryRappel Dov of Blessed MemoryRaveh MichalRavid DoritRazel MichaResnick DavidReychav IrisRich YisraelRolider AmosRomi ShlomoRonen MatiRoss TamarRubin NissanSadetzki, Siegalsaiegh haddad ElinorSaiegh-Haddad ElinorSchachter ElliSchechter ChenScherz ZahavaSchiff RachelSchneller, Raphael of Blessed MemorySchreiber IrisSchremer OdedSchwarzwald, OraShachar HannahShachar RinaShamir AdinaShani KahtaShapira-Lishchinsky OrlySharvit UriShefer ShaharShemida Miryam of Blessed MemoryShen, YeshayahuShield OzerShifron, RachelShnider M.Shohet CillyShrira AmitShulman ShmuelSimpson ShimonSimpson SimonSobelman-Rosenthal VardaSohlberg Shaul C.Spanier Zeev of Blessed MemorySpektor-Levy OrnitStern Eliezer of Blessed MemoryStern HindySukenik NufarSwan JoshuaTal DaliaTaub DavidTidhar ChavaTrau HenriTubul-Lavy GilaTzuriel DavidVakil EliWalk JosephWalters JoelWaniel ArielaWasserstein-Warnet, Mark M.Weiss YitzhakWeller LeonardWohl ArieYablon Yaacov B.Yaoz Hana, of Blessed MemoryYeari MenahemYinon AvigailYoel UriZalkin Avraham of Blessed MemoryZion MichalZiv, A.Zivotofsky Ari Z.Zuckerman Davidאל יגון מיכלבן יצחק אסתרגלבע אבידיזנדרוק גיל הבלין שלמהוולף יובלזיידרמן אדריאןמיקולינסר מריופיקסלר דרורצוקרמן דודרבקה אלקושישחר רינהשקדי אשר Year - Any -20252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970 Search Reset Year Student Advisor 2024 Simulation practice of beginner teachers as support for coping with conflict : contribution of social emotional competence (Hebrew) PhD Wasserman-Gutwillig, Tamar Prof. Yaacov YablonDr. Shira Iluz 2023 Adaptation of an observational tool (ECCS) to evaluate empathic communication during simulation experiences in education MA Levanon, Yaal Dr. Shira IluzProf. Yaacov Yablon 2021 Simulative experience of teacher-education students for developing social-emotional skills, and differences between online and face-to-face workshops (HEBREW) MA Hominer, Reshit Dr. Shira IluzProf. Yaacov Yablon 2021 Students' safety feeling at school : the contribution of physical violence, gender and security measurers at school (HEBREW) MA Lizmi, Itzik Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2021 Distance simulation-based learning from the perspective of the group coordinator (HEBREW) MA Mopsik, Nitzan Dr. Shira IluzProf. Yaacov Yablon 2021 Relationship between using simulation as a learning promoting methods and SRL in interpersonal relationships among first year teachers (HEBREW) MA Velvart-Magiel, Nitzan Dr. Shira IluzProf. Yaacov Yablon 2020 Teacher's identification of violent students in school : the contribution of the violence characteristics and school climate (HEBREW) MA Dascalu , Gil Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2020 Development of self-regulated learning in conflict situations among pre-service teachers : the contribution of simulated experience (HEBREW) MA Digmi, Shir Dr. Shira IluzProf. Yaacov Yablon 2020 Contribution of teachers-students relationships to teachers identification of violent students in schools (HEBREW) MA Edri-Dudkiewicz, Batel Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2019 Identifying victims of school violence : the contribution of teachers-students relationships (HEBREW) MA Sedaka, Lior Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2018 Student’s willingness to seek help from school Rabbis in coping with school violence (HEBREW) MA Hershkowitz, Shulamit Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2018 Mediation as a moderating factor of aggression behaviors from watching television (HEBREW) PhD Shany, Yael Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2017 Vocabulary and metalinguistic awareness of monolingual and bilingual preschool children MA Goldstein, Tamara Prof. Carmit AltmanProf. Sharon Armon-LotemProf. Yaacov Yablon 2017 The contribution of schools security guards to students’ sense of safety (HEBREW) MA Segev, Or Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2017 Willingness to seek help for dealing with school violence among students with intellectual disability : the connection between different types of violence, level of distress and help seeking (HEBREW) MA Tamir, Shlomit Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2017 The needs-based model of reconciliation : teachers’ reaction towards their students in conflictual situations with students, within educational simulation (HEBREW) MA Wertheimer Noam Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2017 Multi-dimensional model for explaining the relation between victimization and sense of safety at school (HEBREW) PhD Zacharia, Michal Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2016 The relationship between subjective distance to death and emotional and cognitive complexity: an integrative model (HEBREW) PhD Cohen-Fridel ,Sara Prof. Amit ShriraProf. Yaacov Yablon 2016 Generalization of emotional regulation between couple conflict and group conflict (HEBREW) MA Hoffman, Tamir Prof. Eran HalperinProf. Yaacov Yablon 2016 The relationship between learners’ intrinsic motivation and wellness by gender differences (HEBREW) MA Kidoshim, Iris Dr. Yitzhak WeissProf. Yaacov Yablon 2016 The relationship between the school counsellor’s characteristics and students’ willingness to seek help for dealing with parental violence (HEBREW) MA Yaish, Hanit Hana Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2015 Willingness to seek help for dealing with school violence among students with mental retardation : the contribution of the helper’s availability and ability to assist (HEBREW) MA Levi, Avivit Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2015 Optimism, temperament and adaptation in early childhood (HEBREW) MA Man-Zabari, Tal Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2013 Social mediation of mothers and social behavior in early childhood (HEBREW) MA Hansav-Toren, Meital Prof. Yaacov Yablon 2012 Students’ willingness to seek help in the event of school violence by perspective of terror management theory (HEBREW) MA Levy Zofiya Prof. Yaacov Yablon Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page Next › Last page Last »