Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2012 The educational positions of a school principle, his expertise and their effect on the implementation of the school’s policy (HEBREW) MA Cafri, Oshrit Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2012 The effect of a delay of an hour or overnight on the development of an educational administrative decision (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Frida Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2011 Duration of absence from home and attachment parrents of IDF career soldiers as predictors of perception of parental functioning and role distribution in the family (HEBREW) MA Candioty, Riki Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2011 Perception of climate, anxiety, self-image and achievement of students making a transition from elementary school with innovative learning to junior high school with traditional learning (HEBREW) PhD Finkelstein, Hilit Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Dr. Hannah Shachar
2010 The effect of a change in evaluation methods on cooperation and competition of students in higher education (HEBREW) MA Foox, Inbal Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2006 The relationship between schools competitiveness and their organizational learning level (HEBREW) MA Ozer, Michal Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2006 The differences between the educational decision making procedure (intuitive, detailed procedure and computer based methods) (HEBREW) MA Rozen, Renana Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2006 The effect of routinely teaching on effectiveness of teaching (HEBREW) MA Rubin-Dambinsky, Liat Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2004 The differences between the consistency of intuitive and DSS educational decisions in simple & complex educational situations (HEBREW) MA Gis, Miri Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2004 The relationship between management and leadership style and the managerial effectiveness of the early childhood educator (HEBREW) MA Malchi, Ilana Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2004 Factors influencing the consistency level of decision-making amongst junior high school students (HEBREW) MA Yosef, Galit Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2003 The relationship between school background variables and organizational efficiency indexes: "organizational learning" and "school effectiveness" and their mutual linkage (HEBREW) MA Levy, Emi Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2003 Teachers’ employment schedule, feeling of control and involvement in additional pursuits, and their work commitment and burnout (HEBREW) MA Tanamy, Yedidya Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2001 The effectiveness of programmed decisions in contrast with non-programmed decisions of school teachers (HEBREW) MA Herman Ronen Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2000 The policy of State Religious Education between unifying vagueness and divisive amorphousness (HEBREW) MA Zelniker, Tami Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1999 The effects of in-service training program on the educational attitudes and professional identity of Israeli retired Army officers (HEBREW) MA Binyamini, Ronit Prof. Haim Gaziel
Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1998 The effects of a Health Education Program, administrative and teacher attitudes on the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of fifth and sixth grade pupils (HEBREW) MA Maimon, Zipora Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1998 The connection between the order of cheking exams, the time spent cheking the exams and the seniority of the teacher, and the grades given in a composition examination (HEBREW) MA Pat-El, Liat Associate Prof. Joseph Klein