Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2015 An image and its likeness : the relationship between a father who is both a Rabbi and a public figure in religious Zionism with his sons and daughters and processes of continuity and cultivating heritage (HEBREW) PhD Kitzis, Shulamit Dr. Tova Hartman
2013 The experience of being single and attitudes towards marriage among Zionist-religious singles (HEBREW) MA Kadosh, Yael Dr. Tova Hartman
2012 The motherhood experience of mothers of children with severe brain damage, raised in institutions (HEBREW) MA Krigman, Yemima Dr. Tova Hartman
2011 Estrangement from religion among youth in Judea and Samaria (HEBREW) MA Elgavish, Yosef Dr. Tova Hartman