Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1999 Elements of effectivity in the establishment of new schools (HEBREW) MA Bershadsky, Anat L. Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
1999 The effects of in-service training program on the educational attitudes and professional identity of Israeli retired Army officers (HEBREW) MA Binyamini, Ronit Prof. Haim Gaziel
Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1999 The effects of in-service training program on the educational attitudes and professional identity of Israeli retired Army officers (HEBREW) MA Binyamini, Ronit Prof. Haim Gaziel
Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1999 The relation between the risk-taking tendency in adolescence and attachment styles, ego identity and logical thinking (HEBREW) MA Booskila-Sibony, Orly Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 The relation between the risk-taking tendency in adolescence and attachment styles, ego identity and logical thinking (HEBREW) MA Booskila-Sibony, Orly Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 Attributions of importance to life roles and their implications for work-family conflict among men and women (HEBREW) PhD Cinamon Gali, Rachel Dr. Moshe Israelashvili
Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1999 Attributions of importance to life roles and their implications for work-family conflict among men and women (HEBREW) PhD Cinamon Gali, Rachel Dr. Moshe Israelashvili
Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1999 The effect of practicing rotating VR 3D objects on the inductive thinking of hearing impaired children (HEBREW) MA Eden, Sigal Prof. David Passig
1999 Dimensional differences in reading by expert readers (HEBREW) PhD Eizenhamer, Meira Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
Prof. Yaakov Iram
1999 Dimensional differences in reading by expert readers (HEBREW) PhD Eizenhamer, Meira Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
Prof. Yaakov Iram
1999 Intevention by counseling which is intented to bring about a change of attitudes towards school violence and improve class climate (HEBREW) MA Eluz (Riese), Na'ama Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 Attachment patterns and self esteem in children aged 7-12 (HEBREW) MA Eyal,Liat Prof. Pnina Klein
1999 The effect of training on four-year-olds' ability to solve classical analogies (HEBREW) MA Galinka, Einat Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1999 A future imagery of leaders from the Israeli society of the communal services (ISCS) regarding possible developments in the Israeli community to the year 2010 (HEBREW) MA Gilad-Granot, Merav Prof. David Passig
1999 Children's cognitive modifiability as a function of parents' mediated learning strategies and time spent with the child (HEBREW) MA Hatzir, Amalia Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1999 The effects of metacognitive feedback on solving mathematical word-problems with computer (HEBREW) PhD Kapa, Esther Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
1999 The adolescent's perception of his family environment in reference to the quality of his relationship with a best friend and the evaluation of his adjustment to school (HEBREW) MA Krieger, Batia Dr. Adriana Feldman
1999 Leisure activities of young ultra-orthodox-chassidic girls in Israel (HEBREW) MA Lajosh , Bella Dr. Mati Ronen
1999 The life-regard of learning disabled adolescents and its connection to their self-image and their ability of coping (HEBREW) MA Lavi, Tal Dr. Adriana Feldman
1999 Learning efficiency, confidence judgements and feeling-of-knowing as correlated to locus of control and self esteem (HEBREW) MA Maayan, Zipi Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1999 The relationship between teachers' professional self-image and his/her attitude towards parental involvement in their child's school (HEBREW) MA Moshe Levi, Ruhama Dr. Mati Ronen
1999 Procedural justice in educational placement of "exceptional" student in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Mutzafi, David Prof. Miryam Shemida
1999 The effect of integrating gifted students in heterogenous classes on academic achievements in mathematics, ability to cooperate and the perception of fairness among these children (HEBREW) MA Nagar, Ada Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1999 The effect of test anxiety and test situation on the emotional Stroop phenomenon (HEBREW) PhD Natan, Soly Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1999 Creating new junior high schools - an opportunity for change or reproduction? (HEBREW) MA Nordan, Meira Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison