Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2006 Attitudes of teachers and direct-cares working with students with intellectual disability toward the new ID definition and their willingness to cope with the changes required from implementation of the special education law with reference... (HEBREW) MA Nissim, Shoshana Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2006 Do babies play make-believe? Emergence of babies’ make-believe play (HEBREW) PhD Orr, Edna Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2006 The relationship between schools competitiveness and their organizational learning level (HEBREW) MA Ozer, Michal Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2006 Achievement motivation, attribution style, and self-efficacy and their relation to scholastic achievements of students in college preparatory programs (HEBREW) MA Radzyner, Tamar Prof. Shlomo Romi
2006 Attachment theory and psychological reactions in couple interactions - attachment-style differences in reactions to partner’s happiness (HEBREW) MA Ravfogel, Ziv Dr. Michal Alyagon
Prof. Mario Mikulincer
2006 Attachment theory and psychological reactions in couple interactions - attachment-style differences in reactions to partner’s happiness (HEBREW) MA Ravfogel, Ziv Dr. Michal Alyagon
Prof. Mario Mikulincer
2006 The differences between the educational decision making procedure (intuitive, detailed procedure and computer based methods) (HEBREW) MA Rozen, Renana Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2006 The effect of routinely teaching on effectiveness of teaching (HEBREW) MA Rubin-Dambinsky, Liat Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2006 Perceptions of parents’ division of labor, experience in blending roles and work-family expectations among young adults (HEBREW) MA Salmon, Limor Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2006 Probabilistic reasoning of high school students following a probability course integrated with computer simulations (HEBREW) PhD Segal,Yonatan Dr. Zvia Fund
Prof. Shlomo Havlin
2006 Probabilistic reasoning of high school students following a probability course integrated with computer simulations (HEBREW) PhD Segal,Yonatan Dr. Zvia Fund
Prof. Shlomo Havlin
2006 The implementation process of the special education law in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Shaked, Lea Prof. Haim Gaziel
2006 General vs. specific meta-cognitive regulation in substitution of algebraic expressions domain among 7th grade students (HEBREW) MA Sharon, Sarit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2006 General vs. specific meta-cognitive regulation in substitution of algebraic expressions domain among 7th grade students (HEBREW) MA Sharon, Sarit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2006 Acculturation processes and adaptation to studies and society of Ethiopian-born adolescents in state religious youth villages (HEBREW) PhD Shitreet, Eli Prof. Yaakov Iram
2006 Documentation of learning processes supporting positive transfer (HEBREW) MA Shvimer, Liat Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2006 The relationship between spiritual well-being and ego-identity among modern Orthodox and non-religious university students (HEBREW) MA Soria, Ofra Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2006 The relationship between mediated learning strategies in mother-child interactions and personality, behavior, temperament and cognitive skills of 8 to 9: 6 year old children born with very low birth weight (HEBREW) PhD Weitz, Aya Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2006 Motivation and achievements among students learning mathematics via an integrated method as opposed to students learning via the traditional method (HEBREW) MA Yaari, Zohar Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2006 Mothers’ and teachers’ attributions of the first grader’s literacy skills compared to his actual performance: a comparison between status groups (HEBREW) MA Yagudeev, Ester Polina Prof. Ofra Korat
2006 The relation between bullying and preschool children’s self perception and adjustment (HEBREW) MA Yahav, Gili Prof. Pnina Klein
Prof. Amos Rolider
2006 The relation between bullying and preschool children’s self perception and adjustment (HEBREW) MA Yahav, Gili Prof. Pnina Klein
Prof. Amos Rolider
2006 Volunteering in ’Perach’: motives and self efficacy of Jewish religions [i.e. religious] and secular students and of Arabs students (HEBREW) MA Yitzhak-Monsonego, Einat Prof. Shlomo Romi
2006 The relation between humor, differentiation of self, triangulation on family and marital satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Zeev-Kamissa, Orly Dr. Zeev Apel
2006 The effect of peer assisted learning through electronic book on the promotion of emergent writing among kindergarteners (HEBREW) MA Zenger-Klimi, Liron Associate Prof. Adina Shamir