Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2013 The children’s newspaper as an educational values tool: "Davar L’yeladim" between 1948-1958 and children’s newspapers in the 21th century : a comparative look (HEBREW) PhD Mayrav, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaakov Iram
2013 The children’s newspaper as an educational values tool: "Davar L’yeladim" between 1948-1958 and children’s newspapers in the 21th century : a comparative look (HEBREW) PhD Mayrav, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaakov Iram
2013 Help-seeking behavior of school children as a strategy of self-regulated learning (SRL) at different development levels and domains (HEBREW) PhD Meyuchas, Orit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2013 The effects of motor training on cognitive tasks involving executive function performance of preschool children of typical sample (HEBREW) MA Mishael, Tal Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2013 The relationship between empathy, differentiation and triangulation in family (HEBREW) MA Nadav-Kesari, Ruth Dr. Zeev Apel
2013 Effects of promoting mathematical-metacognitive discourse on mathematical literacy of kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Ne’eman, Ruti Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2013 The adaptation of adolescents upon returning to Israel with their families after a temporary residence abroad (HEBREW) MA Nissim, Sigal Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2013 Every woman will ask of her neighbor : yo’atzot halacha project of midreshet "Nishmat" (HEBREW) MA Paz, Menachem Dr.
Prof. כככ ככככ
2013 The relationships between socialization processes and the formation of gender identity among secular women who studied in the secular state education in Israel (HEBREW) MA Perelmuter, Idit Prof. Zehavit Gross
2013 Professional development of pre-school teachers following the course: designing learning environments aimed to promote mathematical, scientific and technological literacy (HEBREW) MA Peretz, Tali Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
2013 Attitude of high school science teachers toward teaching with 3D technology (HEBREW) MA Pheebnik, Bronislav Prof. David Passig
2013 Socio-emotional adjustment among adolescents with hearing impairment : the role of attachment with the mother, father, and teacher and the role of sense of coherence (HEBREW) MA Raz, Orly Dr. Michal Alyagon
2013 The relationship between personal differentiation and the level of equality between the quality of married in the transition to parenthood among couples (HEBREW) MA Revivo, Natali Dr. Zeev Apel
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2013 The relationship between personal differentiation and the level of equality between the quality of married in the transition to parenthood among couples (HEBREW) MA Revivo, Natali Dr. Zeev Apel
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2013 Dynamic inquiry performances, meta-cognitive awareness and understanding the nature of science among teachers that experienced open inquiry process (HEBREW) MA Rimerman-Shmueli, Eti Prof. Michal Zion
2013 Decisions taking about risky behaviors - the self regulation perspective : the relationship between cognitive, social, personality-related and meta-cognitive factors among normative and at risk adolescents (HEBREW) PhD Salkovsky, Merav Prof. Shlomo Romi
2013 The structure of values among Bnei-Akiva counselors (HEBREW) MA Samet, Itiel Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2013 Developing various types of self-regulated learning to promote scientific literacy (HEBREW) PhD Sason, Hava Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2013 Developing various types of self-regulated learning to promote scientific literacy (HEBREW) PhD Sason, Hava Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2013 Contribution of children's understanding of mind to the quality of friendships in high-functioning young children with autism in comparison with typically developing young children (HEBREW) MA Semel, Sharon Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2013 The effect of different training-method : constant vs. variable on transfer and cognitive problem solving in different age groups (HEBREW) PhD Seri-Toaff, Orna Prof. Eli Vakil
2013 Towards developing a code of ethics among education leaders based on team simulations MA Shaer, Anat Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2013 The relationship between counselor self-efficacy, personality traits and school counselor performance (HEBREW) MA Shalom-Assraf, Ester Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2013 Behavior patterns of teachers in class according to teachers’ authority styles : permissive, authoritatiive, authoritarian (Hebrew) MA Sharabi, Hila Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2013 The effects of meta-cognitive intervention on kindergarten children tendency to spontaneous focus on numerosity and mathematical structures (SFON) (HEBREW) MA Sharir, Tal Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Zmira Mevarech