Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2018 Exploring school principals’ sense-making of their leadership role within the natinal reform "courage to change" PhD Ganon-Shilon, Sherry Prof. Chen Schechter
2018 The influence of exposure to multimedia in an electronic book on the literacy of students with and without symptoms for ADHD (HEBREW) PhD Grumberg-Vardi, Ravit Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2018 The fostering literacy through e-book based activities in children with learning disabilities vs. children on the autism spectrum (HEBREW) MA Gutwirth, Meirav Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2018 Relationships between financial education and consumption culture of young children (HEBREW) MA Hadad, Yaniv Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
2018 Student’s willingness to seek help from school Rabbis in coping with school violence (HEBREW) MA Hershkowitz, Shulamit Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2018 Preschool peer social intervention for the development of social play among children with HFASD (HEBREW) PhD Hoshmand, S. Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2018 Leisure patterns among Arab adolescents in Israel (HEBREW) MA Iraqi, Sawsan Prof. Zehavit Gross
2018 Conception of the nature of science and the nature of inquiry process among students who had experienced guided inquiry learning in comparison to students who had experienced the open inquiry learning in high school upon graduation and over time (HEBREW) MA Isaschar, Hagit Prof. Michal Zion
2018 Characterization types of transitions between stages of 'bioinquiry' open inquiry process and the causes of logical connection patterns in that transition (HEBREW) MA Karadi, Galit Prof. Michal Zion
2018 Community involvement and participation in physical activity as predictors of mental well-being, scholastic achievement and healthy behavior patterns among youth in Israel (HEBREW) MA Keret, Matan Associate Prof. Yossi Harel-Fisch
2018 Semantic effects on implicit and explicit morphological knowledge in two socioeconomic backgrounds (HEBREW) MA Kiassi-Lebel, Mali Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 The contribution of the endogenous and exogenous factors to the three components of working memory among adolescents and adults with intellectual disability: the impaired, stable and the compensatory trajectories (HEBREW) PhD Kilberg, Esther Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2018 Cognitive skill acquisition among students with attention deficit hyper-activity disorder (HEBREW) MA Kirstain Saar, Adi Prof. Rachel Schiff
2018 Dictionary support and story content expansion and their effect on words’ learning, story comprehension and story retelling following e-book reading (HEBREW) MA Kristal, Noi Prof. Ofra Korat
2018 Why is it hard being a friend while playing? : relations of cognitive functioning in a controlled environment to friendship in children with ADHD in comparison to typically developed children (HEBREW) PhD Lipshatz Eshwege, Sharon Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Ronny Geva
2018 Why is it hard being a friend while playing? : relations of cognitive functioning in a controlled environment to friendship in children with ADHD in comparison to typically developed children (HEBREW) PhD Lipshatz Eshwege, Sharon Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Ronny Geva
2018 The effect of faithless intervention content on self-determination, self-efficacy and empowerment of religious-spiritual resources among adolescent with down syndrome in the Haredic sector (HEBREW) MA Makovetsky, Lea Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
Dr. Dalia Tal
2018 The effect of faithless intervention content on self-determination, self-efficacy and empowerment of religious-spiritual resources among adolescent with down syndrome in the Haredic sector (HEBREW) MA Makovetsky, Lea Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
Dr. Dalia Tal
2018 The role of twin’s situation in adult romantic relationships (HEBREW) MA Malek, Chani Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2018 The role of twin’s situation in adult romantic relationships (HEBREW) MA Malek, Chani Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2018 Emotional intelligence and psychological capital : a comparison between adults with intellectual disabilities and adults with typical development (HEBREW) MA Malka-Tzemah, Yael Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2018 Construction of identities in the birthday party ceremony : perceptions and practices of kindergarten teachers in the Israeli kindergarten (HEBREW) PhD Meir, Hadara Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
2018 "Mothers voice" :Motherhood experience of mothers of children with behavioral disorders : phenomenological research (HEBREW) PhD Menzin, Daniela Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2018 Working memory (phonological loop, the visuo-spatial sketchpad and the central executive) according to task load among students with ID participating in academic enrichment versus those who are fully integrated in regular courses (HEBREW) MA Mhagna, Mona Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2018 Peer mediation with young children (PMYC) program - effects on mediation style, cognitive modifiability and social abilities among tutors with typical development and students with ASD (HEBREW) MA Michaeli-Kalfa, Oranit Associate Prof. Adina Shamir