Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1997 How does teachers' curricular discretion function in art education? (HEBREW) MA Bachar, Pnina Dr. Hannah Shachar
1997 Self consciousness and loneliness in the light of the Chabad theory of the psyche (HEBREW) MA Ben Ami, Miriam Dr. Adriana Feldman
1997 Teacher's attitude towards Kadushin's supervision model (HEBREW) MA Ben Zvi, Rina Dr. Rachel Shifron
1997 Fears in middle childhood among gifted and non-gifted children, coping strategies and attachment styles (HEBREW) MA Bengio, Efrat Dr. Naomi Bat-Zion
1997 The community school as compared to the non-community school: Parental involvement, parental expectations and parental satisfaction with the school (HEBREW) MA Chen, Liora Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 New immigrants from the former Soviet Union (HEBREW) MA Eluz, Shira Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 The influence of mediate learning expirience by using the "bright start" program on mediate style of teaching among kindergarten teachers (HEBREW) MA Friedman Avigal Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1997 Models of written cognitive support for science problem solving in a computerized environment: the effects on learning of "structure", "reflection" and "subject-matter" components (HEBREW) PhD Fund Zvia Prof. Joseph Menis
1997 The relationship between the teacher's leadership style and his attitudes toward the democatic climate at school and the burnout syndrom (HEBREW) MA Greenvald (Feldmar), Yehudit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1997 Different metacognitive approaches of self questioning for forwarding the capability of analogical problem solving among high school students (HEBREW) MA Hilerovitz, Yael Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 The contribution of action research to enhancement of school improvement processes leading towards curriculum integration (HEBREW) MA Hirshenberger, Fanny Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 Relationships between the structure of the settlement organization and the structure of the education of young children in the Arabic sector (HEBREW) MA Hussein Bishara, Saied Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 Family education and junior high school pupils attitudes in the Arab sector (HEBREW) MA Intisar, Badir Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 Prestige of local schools vs inter - regional schools as concieved by parents, and the differences in students' achievements as related to school type in religious governmental high schools (HEBREW) MA Lazar Ruth Prof. Haim Gaziel
1997 The effects of two teaching methods on students' achievements and attitudes in 5th and 6th grade science classes (HEBREW) MA Leiter Tova Dr. Hannah Shachar
1997 The connection between the quality of sociodramatic play and social competence of preschool children from different socio-economics background (HEBREW) MA Lev Nira Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 The influence of "parents" workshop for participation on parents' attitudes towards participation , and on actual participation (HEBREW) MA Levi Nitza Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 Gender differences in learning interests among preschoolers as derived from multimedia interfaces design (HEBREW) MA Levin, Haya Prof. David Passig
1997 The effect of a teaching unit: "Science: an ever-developing entity" on students' perception and attitudes towards science and science learning (HEBREW) PhD Mamlok Rachel Dr. Ruth Ben-Zvi
Prof. Joseph Menis
Dr. Joseph Nussbaum
1997 The effect of a teaching unit: "Science: an ever-developing entity" on students' perception and attitudes towards science and science learning (HEBREW) PhD Mamlok Rachel Dr. Ruth Ben-Zvi
Prof. Joseph Menis
Dr. Joseph Nussbaum
1997 The effect of a teaching unit: "Science: an ever-developing entity" on students' perception and attitudes towards science and science learning (HEBREW) PhD Mamlok Rachel Dr. Ruth Ben-Zvi
Prof. Joseph Menis
Dr. Joseph Nussbaum
1997 Learning and reading comprehension skills by means of computers skills (HEBREW) MA Moshe Anat Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
1997 Young children's use of computers with and without adult mediation: effects on cognitive functioning (HEBREW) PhD Nir-Gal Ofra Prof. Pnina Klein
1997 The effect of active-learning intervention program ("pelach") on development of expressive language and story telling ability (HEBREW) MA Ovadia-Ahuvi Limor Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 The effects of an intervention program on the improvement of attitudes towards writing and the quality of creative and formal writing among fifth grade students (HEBREW) MA Rozenberg Shoshana Dr. Hannah Shachar