Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2007 Interdisciplinary learning, classroom climate, attitudes and relationships among students from different social and cultural backgrounds in state-religious elementary schools (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Ilanit Dr. Hannah Shachar
2007 Usage patterns of computer mediated communication (CMC) for social support among adolescents (HEBREW) MA Daum, Dorit Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
Prof. David Passig
2007 Usage patterns of computer mediated communication (CMC) for social support among adolescents (HEBREW) MA Daum, Dorit Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
Prof. David Passig
2007 Learning and social processes in a laptop class: motivation and academic achievement - a case study (HEBREW) MA David, Yifat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2007 Distance learning vs. conventional learning and effect on students’ self image and achievements (HEBREW) MA Davidov, Regina Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2007 Teachers’ background characteristics and their readiness to adopt a novel technology for computer supported collaborative learning (HEBREW) MA Doron, Esty Dr. Chava Tidhar
2007 The relationships among context, sport involvement, social cognition and moral reasoning of athlet[e]s and non-athlet[e]s [in] adolescence (HEBREW) PhD Fishman-Furman, Sari Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2007 Mediation with immigrants, multiculturalism and the sense of belonging and acclimation to school among pupils from Ethiopian origin (HEBREW) MA Grimberg-Zehavi, Einat Dr. Hannah Shachar
2007 Three to five year olds[s:] of drawing, sculpture and language as a way of expression (HEBREW) MA Hagoel, Tchiya Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Prof. Pnina Klein
2007 Three to five year olds[s:] of drawing, sculpture and language as a way of expression (HEBREW) MA Hagoel, Tchiya Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Prof. Pnina Klein
2007 Teacher’s hermeneutic knowledge: structure, characteristics and implications for the teaching of texts (HEBREW) PhD Halabi, Rinat Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
Prof. Oded Schremer
2007 Teacher’s hermeneutic knowledge: structure, characteristics and implications for the teaching of texts (HEBREW) PhD Halabi, Rinat Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
Prof. Oded Schremer
2007 Factors related to the family’s ability to cope with a special needs child (HEBREW) MA Halevi-Keren, Liat Dr. Mati Ronen
2007 Masculinity and religious education: socialization processes in school and during army service and models of masculinity among religious Zionist students in Israel (HEBREW) MA Halevy (Amar), Gai Prof. Zehavit Gross
2007 The effects of IMPROVE embedded within awareness of others on students’ achievement in mathematics and their attitude towards peers (HEBREW) MA Harshoshanim, Ariella Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2007 The’Hafalopedia’ as a curriculum program in informal education: the relationship between non-formal education workers in the community and residential school, self-efficacy and proportion of usage of this curriculum (HEBREW) MA Hasid, Merav Prof. Shlomo Romi
2007 The relationship between and within the visual imagery dimensions: vividness, controllability and preference (HEBREW) PhD Hod-Shemer, Orit Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2007 Authenticity as a facet of differentiation of self and its relation to a marital adjustment (HEBREW) PhD Hupert, Sarit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2007 Inclusion culture: attitudes of regular Israeli Arab teachers towards the inclusion of students with disabilities’ their sense of efficacy in coping with them with reference to their age group ((junior/high school), type of school (HEBREW) MA Iraqi, Futoon Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2007 Attachment styles, sense of coherence, coping strategies, and affect among young adults with and without learning disabilities during their ’Sherut Leumi’ (National Service) (HEBREW) MA Itzhaki, Shani Dr. Michal Alyagon
2007 Caregiver’s and mother’s beliefs and behavior in relation to the behavior of the children in their care (HEBREW) MA Kazel-David, Liat Prof. Pnina Klein
2007 Between guardian of the threshold and agent of change: haredi women in the areas of education, work and leisure in the light of grounded theory (HEBREW) PhD Layosh, Bella Prof. Miryam Shemida
2007 The effect of cultural background on user interface satisfaction in world wide web among Israeli students (HEBREW) PhD Levin, Haya Prof. David Passig
2007 The Classification of the depressive phenomena: a test of a model (HEBREW) PhD Levy, Michal Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Israel Or-Bach
2007 The Classification of the depressive phenomena: a test of a model (HEBREW) PhD Levy, Michal Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Israel Or-Bach