Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2016 Facebook as an expression of possible selves (HEBREW) MA Turner, Michal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2016 When mental state is defined as Pikuach Nefesh (HEBREW) MA Vald, Yehoda Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2016 The interactions between visual perception, visual attention and graph’s processing (HEBREW) PhD Waxman, Pirchia Tamar Dr. Ronit Ram-Tzur
Prof. Michal Zion
2016 The interactions between visual perception, visual attention and graph’s processing (HEBREW) PhD Waxman, Pirchia Tamar Dr. Ronit Ram-Tzur
Prof. Michal Zion
2016 Laceration management on Shabbat and holidays (HEBREW) MA Waysbort, Shay Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2016 The influence of diglossia in Hebrew on reading ability, linguistic skill and inhibition in first grade "Talmud-Tora" frameworks (HEBREW) MA Weisbard, Keren Prof. Rachel Schiff
2016 The relationship between the school counsellor’s characteristics and students’ willingness to seek help for dealing with parental violence (HEBREW) MA Yaish, Hanit Hana Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2016 Emotional labor theory" in teaching : the influence of teacher’s experience, age of students and teacher’s burnout on the teacher’s perception of "emotional display rules" at school and on the application of emotional labor techniques in teaching (HEBREW) MA Zaretzky, Racheli Prof. Yaacov Katz
2016 A model for crowd-wisdom based learning and professional development in social networks (HEBREW) PhD Zoref, Lior Prof. David Passig
2015 Teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) : educational, social, emotional and behavioral aspects with respect to religiosity (HEBREW) PhD Armon, Haim-Yedidya Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2015 Teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) : educational, social, emotional and behavioral aspects with respect to religiosity (HEBREW) PhD Armon, Haim-Yedidya Prof. Yaacov Katz
Prof. Shlomo Romi
2015 Artificial grammar learning via visual and auditory modalities : a comparison between individuals with dyslexia and typically developed readers (HEBREW) MA Atlan, Karin Prof. Rachel Schiff
2015 Reading comprehension deficits of readers with ADHD : text processing, inference generation and working memory (HEBREW) MA Avramovich, Adi Dr. Menahem Yeari
2015 A group intervention for the enhancement of mothers’ mediation abilities : effects on quality of mother-child interaction and maternal self-image (HEBREW) MA Avrutzky, Anat Dr. Nurit Jagerman
Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2015 A group intervention for the enhancement of mothers’ mediation abilities : effects on quality of mother-child interaction and maternal self-image (HEBREW) MA Avrutzky, Anat Dr. Nurit Jagerman
Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2015 A group intervention for the enhancement of mothers’ mediation abilities : effects on quality of mother-child interaction and maternal self-image (HEBREW) MA Avrutzky, Anat Dr. Nurit Jagerman
Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2015 Emotional and cognitive resources related to the academic, social and personal-emotional adjustment of college students with learning disabilities with or without comorbid ADHD (HEBREW) PhD Bacon-Kaufman, Esther Dr. Michal Alyagon
2015 Using painting and sculpture in the process of science teaching in kindergartens and its impact on the degree of spontaneous use of them (HEBREW) MA Bartov-Shechter, Yona Simcha Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2015 The relationship between quality of live, community belonging, community involvement and self-esteem among youth (HEBREW) MA Ben-Eliezer, Claudine Prof. Zehavit Gross
2015 Leisure activities amongst religious girls (HEBREW) MA Ben-Hur, Shulamit Prof. Shlomo Romi
Dr. Mati Ronen
2015 Leisure activities amongst religious girls (HEBREW) MA Ben-Hur, Shulamit Prof. Shlomo Romi
Dr. Mati Ronen
2015 The bullying of teachers by principals at school : the causes, examples and the consequences (HEBREW) MA Ben-Tolila, Avraham Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2015 New method for determination of visibility of stars based on photometric measurement with comparison to human observation (HEBREW) MA Ben-Yaakov, David Dr. Dror Fixler
2015 The relationship between rejection sensitivity, conflict resolution skills and coping with breakup among adolescent couple (HEBREW) MA Benisho-Melumad, Oshrat Dr. Zeev Apel
Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2015 The relationship between rejection sensitivity, conflict resolution skills and coping with breakup among adolescent couple (HEBREW) MA Benisho-Melumad, Oshrat Dr. Zeev Apel
Associate Prof. Arie Cohen