Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2002 Approaches for developing autonomic learner in visual arts (HEBREW) PhD Bachar, Pnina Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2002 The influence program "Oz Letmura" on the violence among 10th grade students (HEBREW) MA Barokas, Nitzan Dr. Mati Ronen
Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2002 The influence program "Oz Letmura" on the violence among 10th grade students (HEBREW) MA Barokas, Nitzan Dr. Mati Ronen
Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2002 The effect of mathematics anxiety on the emotional Stroop phenomenon (HEBREW) MA Ben Moshe, Sarit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2002 Factors influencing graduates of the state religious education in selecting a continuing course (Hesder Yeshivas / military preparatory courses / yeshivas of the religious kibbutz movement) after high-school (HEBREW) MA Bracha, Yaakov Dr. David Taub
2002 Phonological and morphological awareness and its effect on ESL students’ reading of Hebrew and English (HEBREW) MA Calif Moshkovich, Sharon Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Joel Walters
2002 Phonological and morphological awareness and its effect on ESL students’ reading of Hebrew and English (HEBREW) MA Calif Moshkovich, Sharon Prof. Rachel Schiff
Dr. Joel Walters
2002 The influence of learning to read music on the ability to learn how to decode Hebrew (HEBREW) PhD Carmon, Yehudith Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Prof. Uri Sharvit
Prof. Arie Wohl
2002 The influence of learning to read music on the ability to learn how to decode Hebrew (HEBREW) PhD Carmon, Yehudith Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Prof. Uri Sharvit
Prof. Arie Wohl
2002 The influence of learning to read music on the ability to learn how to decode Hebrew (HEBREW) PhD Carmon, Yehudith Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Prof. Uri Sharvit
Prof. Arie Wohl
2002 Learning style and its correlation to gender, ethnic origin, level of extraversion and academic achievement in junior high school (HEBREW) MA Catabi, Yonit Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 Identifying searching strategies on databases by information specialists (HEBREW) MA Chait, Orna Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
Prof. David Passig
2002 Identifying searching strategies on databases by information specialists (HEBREW) MA Chait, Orna Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
Prof. David Passig
2002 Teachers' Professional Self-Esteem and its Relationship to Management Style and Teacher's Background Variables (HEBREW) MA Cohen (Zafrani) Orit Dr. Mati Ronen
2002 Social interaction and loneliness in high-functioning children with autism in comparison with higher-functioning children with autism (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Limor Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2002 A youth delegation to the U.S.: the effect of the stay in the U.S. on narratives and perceptions with respect to their Jewish identity (HEBREW) MA Daliot, Ayelet Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2002 The relationship between attachment styles, self-concept and test anxiety (HEBREW) MA Even-Souiz, Rozit Dr. David Zuckerman
2002 The effect of the mentor’s training characteristics on the novice teacher’s self and professional esteem during practicum process (HEBREW) MA Friedman, Ronit Dr. David Taub
2002 Attachment, prenatal attachment and anxiety among pregnant women who have experienced the loss of a fetus and their counterparts who have not experienced the loss of a fetus (HEBREW) MA Gadassi-Schwartz, Hila Dr. Adriana Feldman
2002 The relationship between intelligence and learning disability characteristics and its reflection in psychological and didactic diagnosis (HEBREW) MA Ganel, Ruth Prof. Shlomo Romi
2002 Surface and deep learning processes in distance education for synchronic and a-synchronic systems (HEBREW) MA Harpaz, Yifat Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2002 The levels of self management as perceived by teachers and principles in self managed schools and traditional schools, a comparative research (HEBREW) MA Haviv Arbiv, Racheli Prof. Haim Gaziel
Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2002 The levels of self management as perceived by teachers and principles in self managed schools and traditional schools, a comparative research (HEBREW) MA Haviv Arbiv, Racheli Prof. Haim Gaziel
Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2002 Integration of children with Down-Syndrome in regular kindergartens: a case study (HEBREW) MA Hayoun-Feldstein, Lior Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2002 The development of joke telling in 4 to 6 year olds (HEBREW) MA Heller, Ayelet Prof. Pnina Klein