Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2014 Effect of reading an e-book with dictionary on word comprehension and spelling among low ses second graders (HEBREW) MA Bokobza, Limor Prof. Ofra Korat
2014 Halachic attitude to vision aids (HEBREW) MA Cahn, Eitan Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2014 A comparison of the perceived characteristics of ’significant’ vs. ’professional’ educational figures in the formal and informal educational systems (HEBREW) MA Cohen-Gavrieli, Ayelet Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 Oral and written morphological knowledge among typical readers and readers with dyslexia (HEBREW) PhD Cohen, Miki Prof. Rachel Schiff
2014 Effect of a PAIRS method marriage enrichment guide training program on trainees’ differentiation of self and conflict management ability (HEBREW) MA Dahouh-Halevi, Hadar Dr. Zeev Apel
Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2014 Effect of a PAIRS method marriage enrichment guide training program on trainees’ differentiation of self and conflict management ability (HEBREW) MA Dahouh-Halevi, Hadar Dr. Zeev Apel
Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2014 The relationship between career barriers, career self-efficacy and career decision among Ethiopian-Israelis, Russian-Israelis and Israeli-born students (HEBREW) MA Dasse, Ganet Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2014 The beliefs and the practices of teachers of Jewish throught in Israeli state high schools, in relation to students’ identity formation in the postmodern era: case study (HEBREW) MA Finberg, Tammy Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 Children’s resilience to ongoing terror : the contribution of parental and child personal resources to the sence of coherence, externalized and internalized affective responses to post-traumatic symptoms (Hebrew) PhD Garbi, Lior Dr. Michal Alyagon
Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2014 Children’s resilience to ongoing terror : the contribution of parental and child personal resources to the sence of coherence, externalized and internalized affective responses to post-traumatic symptoms (Hebrew) PhD Garbi, Lior Dr. Michal Alyagon
Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2014 Effects of a fading model for metacognitive judgment in mathematical problem solving among students with and without mathematical disability (HEBREW) PhD Gidalevich, Stella Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2014 Circumcision during neonatal jaundice (HEB) MA Grinzaig, Avishai Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2014 Coping with bereavement amongst families of terror victims : personal and familial aspects associated with the coping process experienced by people who have lost an immediate family member during a terrorist attack (HEBREW) MA Hamami, Leah Dr. Ayelet Bental
Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 Coping with bereavement amongst families of terror victims : personal and familial aspects associated with the coping process experienced by people who have lost an immediate family member during a terrorist attack (HEBREW) MA Hamami, Leah Dr. Ayelet Bental
Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 Personal and cultural identity development in young adults who emigrated from the former USSR (HEBREW) MA Hemi, Alla Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2014 The experience of integration into the regular education system as perceived by graduates with cerebral palsy (HEBREW) MA Huri, Orna Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2014 Animal-assisted group therapy for children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their parents (HEBREW) MA Isack-Hellmann, Shira Prof. Shlomo Romi
2014 The effect of teaching with a multisystem approach upon student perception of homeostasis and their system thinking ability (HEBREW) MA Israeli, Raaya Prof. Michal Zion
2014 Sequential learning among individuals with developmental dyslexia : evidence from visual and auditory grammar learning tasks PhD Kahta, Shani Prof. Rachel Schiff
2014 Parent’s mediation during shared picture book (HEBREW) MA Kaldes, Inbar Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2014 The development of metaphorical language comprehension and production in autism spectrum disorder and learning disabilities (HEBREW) PhD Kasirer, Anat Prof. Nira Mashal
2014 Teachers’ perceptions of their role in shaping the identity of students with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Kerr, Yulia Dr. Elli Schachter
2014 The journey to academic world : conributing and impeding factors on learning among students with visual impairment and their effect on learning experiences in academia PhD Krisi, Miri Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2014 The integration policy of special needs children in regular schools : a comparative policy research (HEBREW) MA Levy, Idit Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
2014 Relationships between a constructivist learning environment and moral perceptions of teachers and students in Israeli junior high and high schools (HEBREW) PhD Malka, Daphna Dr. Hannah Shachar