Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2016 A case study of the use of "teaching the conflicts" pedagogy in the course "contemporary theory" and its impact on the English teachers who took part in the course (HEBREW) MA Abutbul, Ester Dr. David Resnick
2016 The socialization and feminine identity of Jewish-Ethiopian girls who graduated from Israeli "ulpanas" (HEBREW) MA Alemu, Aviva Prof. Zehavit Gross
2016 The moderating role of classroom goal structure in the relationship between students’ academic and social achievement goals (HEBREW) MA Amit, Shira Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2016 Parental knowledge and perception regarding the quality of daycare in Israel : is it possible to make a difference? (HEBREW) MA Arad-Turjanski, Ayelet Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2016 Parental knowledge and perception regarding the quality of daycare in Israel : is it possible to make a difference? (HEBREW) MA Arad-Turjanski, Ayelet Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2016 Vocabulary enrichment among LSES kindergarten children using educational e-book with and without kindergarten teacher’s mediation (HEBREW) PhD Atishkin, Shifra Prof. Ofra Korat
2016 The level of parental conflict, the perception of importance of life roles and expectations for work-family conflict among young women with divorced parents (HEBREW) MA Avni, Sivan Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2016 The level of parental conflict, the perception of importance of life roles and expectations for work-family conflict among young women with divorced parents (HEBREW) MA Avni, Sivan Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2016 The link between cross-model synchronization and arithmetic and readiness skills among elementary school children (HEBREW) PhD Badir, Horriyah Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Dr. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad
2016 The link between cross-model synchronization and arithmetic and readiness skills among elementary school children (HEBREW) PhD Badir, Horriyah Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Dr. Elinor Saiegh-Haddad
2016 Learning and formation of procedural memory in adolescents diagnosed with ADHD (HEBREW) MA Balzar, Dafna Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2016 Emotional expressiveness in minimally verbal children with autism spectrum disorder during collaborative interactive-activity (HEBREW) MA Bar Yehuda, Shahar Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2016 The effects of online ’powerful learning environments’ on self-regulated learning, technological pedagogical content knowledge and sefl-efficacy about technology integration among preservice teachers MA Ben-Aharon, Danit Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
Prof. Chen Schechter
2016 The effects of online ’powerful learning environments’ on self-regulated learning, technological pedagogical content knowledge and sefl-efficacy about technology integration among preservice teachers MA Ben-Aharon, Danit Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
Prof. Chen Schechter
2016 Social representations of giftedness among parents of gifted children and parents of non gifted children from the center and periphery in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Ben-Artzey Schieber, Nava Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2016 Differences of school performance according to years in which internal and external standard tests are performed (HEBREW) MA Boustanai-Halfon, Adva Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2016 The effects of classroom discourse in two teaching methods (direct teaching and fostering communities of learners) on students’ achievemebts, perception of the learning environment, personal achievement goals, and sense of school belonging... (HEBREW) PhD Broder, Ronit Dr. Miriam Alfassi
Dr. Hannah Shachar
2016 The effects of classroom discourse in two teaching methods (direct teaching and fostering communities of learners) on students’ achievemebts, perception of the learning environment, personal achievement goals, and sense of school belonging... (HEBREW) PhD Broder, Ronit Dr. Miriam Alfassi
Dr. Hannah Shachar
2016 The relationship between thought processes which lead to creativity and executive functions: is it similar for convergent thinking and divergent thinking? (HEBREW) MA Burdman, Valery Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2016 The trajectories of intelligence and memory in adolescence and adulthood of people with intellectual disability, compared to those with typical development : in three possible trajectories: the impaired, the parallel and the continuing (HEBREW) PhD Chen, Irit Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2016 The mediating role of self-efficacy for middle school, between goal strucrures and adaptive transition (HEBREW) MA Chohat, Ronny Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2016 The relationship between subjective distance to death and emotional and cognitive complexity: an integrative model (HEBREW) PhD Cohen-Fridel ,Sara Prof. Amit Shrira
Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2016 The relationship between subjective distance to death and emotional and cognitive complexity: an integrative model (HEBREW) PhD Cohen-Fridel ,Sara Prof. Amit Shrira
Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2016 Examination of transfer processes in implicit statistical learning via an artificial grammar learning transfer task, while differentiating between verbal and non-verbal stimuli : comparison between adult readers with dyslexia and adults (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Hadar Prof. Rachel Schiff
2016 The roles that teachers play in adolescents’ processes of identity formation as they are reflected in graduate students’ life stories (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Noga Dr. Elli Schachter