Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2017 Parents knowledge about their child’s daycare : what do they know and what do they want to know? (HEBREW) MA Goldwasser-Bloch, Vered Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2017 Parents knowledge about their child’s daycare : what do they know and what do they want to know? (HEBREW) MA Goldwasser-Bloch, Vered Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2017 The relationship between social identification, ethnocentrism, threat, prejudice and discrimination among diverse group of Israeli adolescents (HEBREW) PhD Gross Esther Evelyn Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2017 The non-formal code : updating its characteristics and building a research tool to evaluate the strength of each characteristic (HEBREW) PhD Gruner Hadas Prof. Shlomo Romi
2017 Contribution of metacognitive instruction and collaborative learning to students’ inquiry learning products and inquiry performances within open inquiry based learning (HEBREW) MA Guetta, Amos-Aharon Prof. Michal Zion
2017 Examining global and local perception in visual and auditory modality: comparison between readers with dyslexia and readers with ADHD (HEBREW) MA Haba, Limor Prof. Rachel Schiff
2017 The relationship of attachment style, empathy, self-control and self-esteem of the parents with their quality of marriage and relationship with their children (HEBREW) PhD Hacohen, Iris Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Mati Ronen
2017 The relationship of attachment style, empathy, self-control and self-esteem of the parents with their quality of marriage and relationship with their children (HEBREW) PhD Hacohen, Iris Prof. Zehavit Gross
Dr. Mati Ronen
2017 The relationships between parental involvement and the school principals’ management style, and the mathematical achievements of students in primary schools, specialized with behavioral disturbances (HEBREW) MA Halfon, Idit Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
2017 The role of attachment exploration : connections among secure attachment and Marcia’s identity dimensions of exploration and commitment (HEBREW) MA Haliva-Glav, Rivki Dr. Elli Schachter
2017 The relation between the headmaster’s administrative style and communication characteristics with his staff, and the trust of the teachers and their organizational citizenship behavior (HEBREW) MA Hamrani, Erel Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2017 The influence of SRL (Self-Regulated Learning) training program as a platform towards multidimensional literal discourse in language and mathematics among young learners (HEBREW) PhD Huber Hadas Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2017 An observation of the differences in the attentive state of 12-18 months old infants with typical development and with regulation disorder of sensory processing during mother-infant interaction (HEBREW) MA Karabelnik Yamit Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Nurit Jagerman
2017 An observation of the differences in the attentive state of 12-18 months old infants with typical development and with regulation disorder of sensory processing during mother-infant interaction (HEBREW) MA Karabelnik Yamit Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Nurit Jagerman
2017 The link to vertical organizational learning and horizontal learning among homeroom teachers and special-area teachers (HEBREW) MA Kaufman, Jenia Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2017 Developmental differences in inference generation and text processing in reading comprehension of typically developing readers (HEBREW) MA Keypur-Ladani, Rotem Dr. Menahem Yeari
2017 Solving mathematical verbal problems (learning and transfer levels) through development of self-regulation in learning abilities among third grade pupils by achievement level (HEBREW) PhD Koloshi-Minsker, Inbal Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2017 The contribution of performance and verbal IQ in the ability to conduct conversation and cooperation within the age group of autistic children with minimal verbal skills (HEBREW) MA Koren, Dror Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2017 Cintribution of educational dynamic processes to a person's narrative change : case study: "SEMEL" program (HEBREW) PhD Kuriel , Ronit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2017 Improvement of sequential time perception and storytelling ability, using virtual reality, among deaf and hard of hearing children with and without a cochlear implant (HEBREW) MA Leibovitz-Ganon, Keren Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
2017 The Correlation between memory processing systems and reading and writing abilities in second-grade students with and without a risk for learning disabilities MA Levy, Omer Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2017 Integrative model to explain absences, internal mobility and quitting the system among teachers in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Maagan, David Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2017 Integrative model to explain absences, internal mobility and quitting the system among teachers in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Maagan, David Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2017 The combined influence of reward and curiosity on memory (HEBREW) MA Madmon, Inbal Dr. Vered Halamish
2017 Can oral repetition of a word and its meaning promote word learning? : an experiment with e-book support in the Arabic language (HEBREW) MA Mahamid, Nareman Prof. Ofra Korat