Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2005 Leisure time attitudes and behaviors of information technology employees in hi-Tech and non hi-Tech companies (HEBREW) MA Hacham, Sarit Dr. Mati Ronen
2005 Culture and tactics in negotiation: a comparison and cross-cultural study of Israeli and American negotiators in a simulation of an international conflict (HEBREW) MA Haddad, Noam Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
2005 Maternal mediation during book reading activity to the child, maternal beliefs and child’s emergent literacy: a comparison between two socio-economic status (SES) groups (HEBREW) MA Haglili, Sharon Prof. Ofra Korat
2005 Metacognitive training in solving linguistic analogies and its effect on students’ spelling ability (HEBREW) PhD Har-Zvi, Shirley Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2005 Metacognitive training in solving linguistic analogies and its effect on students’ spelling ability (HEBREW) PhD Har-Zvi, Shirley Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2005 Efficacy expectation vs. outcome expectation of students learning online compared to students learning on-campus (HEBREW) MA Hiba, Limor Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2005 The effects of attachment, well-being, and religious orientation on the mediated learning pattern in a three generational perspective (HEBREW) PhD Isman, Esther Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 Effects of early intervention for toddlers with sensory processing dysfunction, on mother-toddler interaction and on toddlers’ functioning (HEBREW) PhD Jaegermann, Nurit Prof. Pnina Klein
2005 The connection between art education and violence among junior high school students (HEBREW) MA Kadosh-Atari, Dorit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2005 Adolescents’ readiness to turn to differet sources of help according to type of source and level of familiarity with it, type of problem, and adolescent’s religiosity and gender (HEBREW) MA Kaim, Zeev Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 Social interaction and friendship between typically developed children and children with autism who are integrated in their classroom, case studies (HEBREW) MA Kali, Anat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2005 The effect of a virtual reality textual-visual experience on the teacher’s awareness of test anxiety (HEBREW) MA Karmon-Kolet, Liat Prof. David Passig
2005 The relations between ego identity formation and suicide tendencies within soldiers in their first months of their military training (HEBREW) PhD Katzir, Yarden Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 The relation between mother-child attachment, emotional regulation, and social information processing among children with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Kimhi-Kind, Ilanit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2005 The effect of peer mediation with young children (P.M.Y.C) program on children mediational teaching style and achievement in reading comprehension, in relation to the student’s social skills (HEBREW) MA Klein, Sigal Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2005 Relation between children’s sensory processing and temperament, and quality of mother-child interaction (HEBREW) MA Laish-Mishali, Rinat Prof. Pnina Klein
2005 Self perception of beginning teachers in regard of self-direction, autonomy and professionalism and their expressions concerning classroom teaching (HEBREW) PhD Layosh, Idit Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2005 The effect of school-based management on the burnout level of the principal (HEBREW) MA Lev Haim, Einat Prof. Haim Gaziel
2005 The effects of an intervention combining a focus on script and mediation, on language and communication skills of children with Down syndrome (HEBREW) MA Levin Schwartz, Neta Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2005 The effects of an intervention combining a focus on script and mediation, on language and communication skills of children with Down syndrome (HEBREW) MA Levin Schwartz, Neta Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2005 The effects of thinking abilities, phonological awareness, and morphological awareness on first graders’ reading proficiency (HEBREW) MA Levy-Shimon, Shani Prof. Rachel Schiff
2005 The relation between absorption policies of principals in elementary schools and parents’ identity to the social adjustment and identity of immigrant children from the former Soviet-Union (HEBREW) MA Lion, Victoria Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
2005 Parental discourse at the stage of filling out the "questionnaire on placement preference" on the eve of a son’s conscription into an IDF combat unit (HEBREW) PhD Luski, Avishi Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2005 Parental discourse at the stage of filling out the "questionnaire on placement preference" on the eve of a son’s conscription into an IDF combat unit (HEBREW) PhD Luski, Avishi Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2005 A model for teaching the cognitive skill of Melioration to pre-service science teachers in a college for teachers (HEBREW) PhD Margaliot, Adva Prof. David Passig
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel