Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2008 The relationship between equality and the quality of marriage among young religious couples (HEBREW) MA Glazz, Tzofia Dr. Zeev Apel
2008 The effect of an intervention-program in separation of toddlers from parents in daycare on toddlers (HEBREW) MA Gluzman Hod, Revital Prof. Pnina Klein
2008 Relationship between mother’s reliefs, quality of her mediation, home environment variables and children’s creativity (HEBREW) MA Granot, Iris Prof. Pnina Klein
2008 The relationship between cognitive style, metacognitive awareness and achievements among learning disabled children (HEBREW) MA Hagalili-Weill, Shlomit Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2008 The qualty of mediated learning interaction between older and younger siblings with or without intellectual disability: the effects of mother’s mediation and sibling relations (HEBREW) PhD Hanukah-Levy, Dikla Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2008 Optimism and pessimism as an attitude: consistency and stability (HEBREW) PhD Harpaz-Itay, Yifat Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2008 The relationship between theory-of-mind and emotional understanding as expressed by language and drawings (HEBREW) MA Ilan-Hadjadj, Liat Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2008 Characterization of the comprehension of the biological core concept "homeostasis" learned explicity with computerized tools (HEBREW) PhD Klein, Sara Prof. Shlomo Havlin
Prof. Michal Zion
2008 Characterization of the comprehension of the biological core concept "homeostasis" learned explicity with computerized tools (HEBREW) PhD Klein, Sara Prof. Shlomo Havlin
Prof. Michal Zion
2008 Solving mathematical verbal problems (learning and transfer levels) through development of self-regulation in learning abilities among third grade pupils by achievement level (HEBREW) MA Koloshi-Minsker, Inbal Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2008 Solving mathematical verbal problems (learning and transfer levels) through development of self-regulation in learning abilities among third grade pupils by achievement level (HEBREW) MA Koloshi-Minsker, Inbal Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2008 The effects of meta-cognitive guidance on teachers’ mathematics content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge: the case of polygons’ areas and perimeters (HEBREW) MA Koren, Maya Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2008 Perception of self efficacy and attitude towards disability among tutors and tutees with special needs following participation in a program of virtual tutoring (HEBREW) MA Lazmi, Yasmin Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
Dr. Avigail Yinon
2008 Perception of self efficacy and attitude towards disability among tutors and tutees with special needs following participation in a program of virtual tutoring (HEBREW) MA Lazmi, Yasmin Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
Dr. Avigail Yinon
2008 Students’ perception of school, socio-economical and demographic background and the risk of disengagement: a comparison between Jewish and Arab students in Israel (HEBREW) MA Levy, Aharona Dr. Hannah Shachar
2008 The influence of task interpretation training on pre-service teachers’ tasks achievements pedagogical self efficacy and learning motivation (HEBREW) MA Maimon, Keren Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2008 The influence of task interpretation training on pre-service teachers’ tasks achievements pedagogical self efficacy and learning motivation (HEBREW) MA Maimon, Keren Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2008 Internet use and self-efficacy: differences between normative and youth at risk (HEBREW) MA Mannor-Muldoon, Orit Prof. Shlomo Romi
2008 Promoting effective teaching through learning style awareness: Case study MA Marks, Daniella Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2008 Learning with laptops and virtual campus as a routine: development of learning capabilities, information literacy and affective aspects among 6th and 7th grade school students (HEBREW) MA Menashe, Keren Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2008 Learning with laptops and virtual campus as a routine: development of learning capabilities, information literacy and affective aspects among 6th and 7th grade school students (HEBREW) MA Menashe, Keren Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2008 Gender stereotypes in religious and secular middle and high school literature curriculum during the years 1957-2008: comparative research (HEBREW) MA Milhiker, Tamar Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2008 Gender stereotypes in religious and secular middle and high school literature curriculum during the years 1957-2008: comparative research (HEBREW) MA Milhiker, Tamar Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2008 The effect of an intervention program on separation of toddlers from parents in daycare, on the parents (HEBREW) MA Nevet, Vered Prof. Pnina Klein
2008 The Effect of organizational-signals on reading comprehension of children with different levels of self-regulation (HEBREW) MA Offir, Reut Dr. Yitzhak Weiss