Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2001 The effect of advanced studies in the "IMPROVE" method for inservice mathematics teachers on the beliefs of teachers and their students (HEBREW) MA Pinchevsky, Ran Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2001 Integration of alternative assessment with teaching and learning of Chumash Shmot : action research (HEBREW) MA Rabinovich, Noah Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 The quality of toddler-caregiver group versus individual interactions and the relation to the toddler's perceived temperament (HEBREW) MA Sayfan, Liat Prof. Pnina Klein
2001 Modifications in the education science curricula of the elementary track in the colleges of education (HEBREW) PhD Shagrir Leah Prof. Yaakov Iram
2001 The effectiveness of the new nurture index as a resource allocation instrument (HEBREW) MA Shalom, Yehezkel Prof. Haim Gaziel
2001 The influence of the information model, information model with direct contact and indirect contact on social distance and stereotypes of the religious and secular youth (HEBREW) MA Sharabi, Gil Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
2001 The attitudes of students, teachers and principals toward the implementation of the extended school day program (HEBREW) MA Sharon, Pazit Prof. Haim Gaziel
2001 Adolescents' perception of marital conflict in relation to their resourcefulness and adjustment, among adolescents with divorced parents as compared to those with married parents (HEBREW) MA Sheinberg, Ronit Dr. Adriana Feldman
2001 The Story of "The Fun Room": Educational experience in changing the behavior of children with difficulties in functioning at school (HEBREW) MA Wagner, Tzippi Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 The relation between participation in "Na’ale" project and improvement of academic achievements in mathematics and reading comprehension (HEBREW) MA Weis-Ratz, Ronit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2000 Efficacy beliefs of novice and expert teachers regarding learning disabled and gifted students in regular classes (HEBREW) MA Amitay, Hadassa Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2000 Effects of project "BAGROUT 2000" on teachers and students attitudes and perceptions (HEBREW) MA Argoetti, Rachel Dr. Hannah Shachar
2000 Touch in mother-infant relations : the relationship between infant characteristics, maternal mood and maternal touch MA Bar-Gil Marion Prof. Pnina Klein
2000 Analogies - composition versus resolution and their influence on transfer (HEBREW) MA Ben-Amram, Einat Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2000 Electrophysiological correlates (ERPs) of visual hemifield simulation using lexical decision paradigm (HEBREW) PhD Ben-Itzchak, Esther Prof. Harvey Babkoff
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
2000 Electrophysiological correlates (ERPs) of visual hemifield simulation using lexical decision paradigm (HEBREW) PhD Ben-Itzchak, Esther Prof. Harvey Babkoff
Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
2000 Examining the influence of teaching mathematics applying IMPROVE on students' social relations, self image and motivation (HEBREW) MA Ben-Tov, Shoshana Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2000 The effectiveness of sociodramatic play in enhancing language proficiency and reducing aggresssive behavior (HEBREW) MA Benodiz, Zohar Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2000 The relationships between cognitive style, attitude and achievements in remote teaching university courses using interactive video (HEBREW) MA Bezalel-Rosenblatt, Racheli Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2000 The impact of teaching the subject of randomness on attitudes and scientific intuition (HEBREW) MA Choresh, Cilla Prof. Joseph Menis
2000 Spatial abilities of young children: gender differences and the influence of learning process and task dimensions (HEBREW) MA Egozi, Gila Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2000 Spontaneously generated narratives of the learning disabled children (HEBREW) MA Elbaum, Sara Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2000 The effects of emotional valence and recovery on selective processing of food and body-shape related words in anorexia (HEBREW) MA Elish Sigalit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2000 Group intervention for improving social skills of learning disabled children integrated in regular classes (HEBREW) MA Givon, Sara Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2000 Validity of metacognitive reading model: domains, intellectual abilities and achievements (HEBREW) PhD Gross, Ariel Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel