Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2017 A meta-analytic examination of the effectiveness of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral interventions in the promotion of integral social competence in children with high-functioning autism (HEBREW) MA Messika, Karin Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2017 The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on cognitive control in healthy participant (HEBREW) PhD Metzuyanim-Gorelick, Shlomit Prof. Nira Mashal
2017 Authentic leadership as a mediator between professional identity, organizational ethical climate and organizational citizenship behavior, organizational politics behavior and turnover among elementary school principals in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Milon, Libi (Levana) Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2017 Pedagogical simulations with professional actors integrating self-regulation to cultivate professionalism in teaching (HEBREW) PhD Moradoff, Yafit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2017 Mastery motivation of premature (less than 32 weeks gestation) and term toddlers aged 12-24 months (HEBREW) MA Neiger, Orly Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2017 Three teaching methods of solving equations in middle school: the relational thinking form, the multi representative form and the algorithmic form, and the relation to achievement and study motivation (HEBREW) MA Nissan Tali Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2017 Three teaching methods of solving equations in middle school: the relational thinking form, the multi representative form and the algorithmic form, and the relation to achievement and study motivation (HEBREW) MA Nissan Tali Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2017 Learning new words by reading an electronic book compared to mothers reading a printing book to their children (HEBREW) MA Novak-Shaked, Dor Prof. Ofra Korat
2017 Graduates’ experiences of elementary school from educational and values perspectives (HEBREW) MA Ohana, Oshrit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2017 Differences in maternal behavior during mother-toddler interaction between mothers of toddlers with regulation disorder of sensory processing and mothers of typically developing toddlers (HEBREW) MA Pinto Ravit Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Nurit Jagerman
2017 Differences in maternal behavior during mother-toddler interaction between mothers of toddlers with regulation disorder of sensory processing and mothers of typically developing toddlers (HEBREW) MA Pinto Ravit Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Nurit Jagerman
2017 Facilitation of peer conversational skills among preschoolers with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HEBREW) PhD Rajwan (Ben-Shlomo) Ofira Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2017 "The entire Torah on one foot" : comparison of two methods for memorizing the 613 commandments by heart in religious primary school (HEBREW) MA Rappaport, Shmuel Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2017 The image of the significant teacher as it is perceived by high school female religious adolescent (HEBREW) MA Ravivo Bareket Hannah Prof. Zehavit Gross
2017 The influence of computerized intervention on the cognitive flexibility in social problem solving process among children with high functioning autism (HEBREW) MA Rubabshi Liron Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
2017 The relationship between teachers’ attachment style and self-efficacy to their perceived role as promoting identity and reflectivity among students (HEBREW) MA Salamon Galit Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
Dr. Elli Schachter
2017 The relationship between teachers’ attachment style and self-efficacy to their perceived role as promoting identity and reflectivity among students (HEBREW) MA Salamon Galit Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
Dr. Elli Schachter
2017 Peer collaboration intervention for minimally verbal children with autism spectrum disorder in relation to their sensory profile (HEBREW) MA Samuel-Magal, Karen Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2017 The Influence of the ontological hierarchy on hybrid perception by children with typical development and by children with langauge impairment PhD Sanhedrai, Navah Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Yeshayahu Shen
2017 The Influence of the ontological hierarchy on hybrid perception by children with typical development and by children with langauge impairment PhD Sanhedrai, Navah Prof. Nira Mashal
Prof. Yeshayahu Shen
2017 Domain specific and domain general mechanisms underlying arithmetic knowledge and two profiles of dyscalculia (HEBREW) PhD Sar-Avi, Orna Prof. Avishai Henik
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2017 Domain specific and domain general mechanisms underlying arithmetic knowledge and two profiles of dyscalculia (HEBREW) PhD Sar-Avi, Orna Prof. Avishai Henik
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2017 Is emotional regulation moderating the relation between parental relation and non-suicidal self-injury? (HEBREW) MA Segal, Nicole Associate Prof. Nir Madjar
2017 The contribution of schools security guards to students’ sense of safety (HEBREW) MA Segev, Or Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2017 The impact of diglossia on the development of phonological and morphological awareness and on the ability to read vowelized and nonvowelized Arabic words : a comparison between medium-high SES and low SES (HEBREW) PhD Shahbari Kassem Abeer Prof. Rachel Schiff