Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1999 The effects of the father's absence/presence and the marital satisfaction on the child's self-concept, his adjustment and school achievement in Military families (HEBREW) MA Panek, Ruth Prof. Yaacov Katz
1999 The impact of virtual reality (VR) on the educator's awareness to cognitive and emotional experiences of an infant attending the first days in daycare (HEBREW) MA Pasternak Neumann, Talia Prof. David Passig
1999 Communication and language skills and mother-child interaction in down-syndrome and normal infants (HEBREW) PhD Rosenthal Sobelman, Varda Prof. Pnina Klein
1999 Reflection of social phenomena in early childhood children's literature in Israel (HEBREW) MA Sasson, Sarah Associate Prof. Deborah Court
1999 The effect of teaching for peer-mediation on mediational teaching style and cognitive modifiability among students who teach and study (HEBREW) PhD Shamir, Adina Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1999 Intervention program within the framework of the informal education system for improvement of academic achievements (HEBREW) MA Shani, Liora Prof. Shlomo Romi
1999 A preferred future pedagogic mission for using virtual reality in schools (HEBREW) MA Sharbat, Aviva Prof. David Passig
1999 DIfferences in hemispheric asymmetry between dyslexic and normal children on a lateralised sentence priming-lexical decision task (HEBREW) MA Silber, Ahuva Prof. Miriam Faust
Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1999 DIfferences in hemispheric asymmetry between dyslexic and normal children on a lateralised sentence priming-lexical decision task (HEBREW) MA Silber, Ahuva Prof. Miriam Faust
Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1999 The effect of directing instruction on reading comprehension monitoring of expository texts among high achieving students (HEBREW) MA Steigman, Michelle Dr. Adriana Feldman
1999 A definition of parent involvement in school from the standpoints of parents and teachers within junior high school (HEBREW) MA Treger, Hedva Dr. Mati Ronen
1999 The relation between attachment patterns in infancy and self-esteem, level of functioning, social relationships and school achievement in middle childhood (HEBREW) MA Turner, Michal Dr. Shmuel Shulman
1999 Jewish education in Nazi Germany (1933-1945) and the influence of the religious leadership on its principles (HEBREW) MA Yaron, Naim Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
1998 The influence of learning environment on imagination and on the activity of imagining as it relates to the teaching of literature (HEBREW) MA Aflalo, Michal Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
1998 The development of graphic skills in kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Barocas, Ester Prof. Pnina Klein
1998 Self-concept and friendliness of students with learning-difficulties studying in two different integrative frameworks in comparison with regular students (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Raphael-Yehonatan Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Self-concept and friendliness of students with learning-difficulties studying in two different integrative frameworks in comparison with regular students (HEBREW) MA Bernstein, Raphael-Yehonatan Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Parental attitudes relating to their multiply handicapped children as influenced by facilitated communication (HEBREW) MA Chukat, Chani Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 Parental attitudes relating to their multiply handicapped children as influenced by facilitated communication (HEBREW) MA Chukat, Chani Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 Nursing students' attitudes to euthanasia at different stages of their studies and the factors influencing these atitudes (HEBREW) MA Crassac, Violaine Dr. Mati Ronen
1998 Teacher efficacy, educational attitudes and attitudes toward mainstreaming among preservice teachers (HEBREW) MA Daniel, Irma Prof. Shlomo Romi
1998 Formulation of a desirable future misison for schools in Israel (HEBREW) MA Drier, Judith Prof. David Passig
1998 A typology of secularism and religiousity in the secular high schools in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Gross, Zehavit Prof. Yaacov Rand
1998 The relation between career maturity and ego identity and gender identity among Israeli and Ethiopian adolescents (HEBREW) MA Haiman, Shimrit Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 Organization and size of expert's memory storage (HEBREW) MA Halperin, Iris Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel