Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2003 The relationaship between protective factors, achievements and learning functioning among students with and without learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Nahor, Galit Prof. Shlomo Romi
2003 Identification of basic emotions and emotional characteristics following positive and negative feedback among gifted and non-gifted children (HEBREW) PhD Revhon-Damti, Netta Dr. Naomi Bat-Zion
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 Identification of basic emotions and emotional characteristics following positive and negative feedback among gifted and non-gifted children (HEBREW) PhD Revhon-Damti, Netta Dr. Naomi Bat-Zion
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 The relation between personality variables and learning achievements in a multi-age (infant school) and single-age educational framework in the Arabic-speaking population (Arabs, Druze, Bedouins) (HEBREW) PhD Rosenwald, Milka Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 Cultural background (religious or nonreligious) and media education as shaping viewing habits, television perception and media literacy of Israeli youth (HEBREW) MA Ruff, Avital Dr. Chava Tidhar
2003 Social information processing and emotional understanding among children with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Schorr-Edelsztein, Hani Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2003 The relationships between games that require hand-eye coordination and grapho-motor difficulties (HEBREW) MA Shilo, Sarah Prof. Pnina Klein
2003 The connection between alternative assessment, the pupil’s system of beliefs and skills towards learning, and ways of coping with a learning difficulty (HEBREW) MA Shim’i, Nurit Dr. Avigail Yinon
2003 Testing the construct validity of cognitive complexity (HEBREW) MA Sinkevich, Tali Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2003 Search for a model of successful school absorbtion of new immigrants in the Israeli educational system, based on an evaluation study of "MOFET" institutions (HEBREW) MA Stoin, Elisha Dr. Mati Ronen
Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2003 Search for a model of successful school absorbtion of new immigrants in the Israeli educational system, based on an evaluation study of "MOFET" institutions (HEBREW) MA Stoin, Elisha Dr. Mati Ronen
Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2003 Teachers’ employment schedule, feeling of control and involvement in additional pursuits, and their work commitment and burnout (HEBREW) MA Tanamy, Yedidya Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2003 Analogical problem solving in social and cognitive domains: a comparison of children with verbal learning disability, non verbal learning disability and children with typical development (HEBREW) MA Toledo, Idit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2003 Analogical problem solving in social and cognitive domains: a comparison of children with verbal learning disability, non verbal learning disability and children with typical development (HEBREW) MA Toledo, Idit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2003 The relationship between types of parent involvement and the academic achievements of their children (HEBREW) PhD Treger, Hedva Prof. Haim Gaziel
2003 Factors affecting willingness or reluctance to seek help in the event of school violence (HEBREW) PhD Yablon, Yaacov Boaz Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 Family - career conflict: a comparison between women elementary school principals in religious and secular public schools (HEBREW) MA Yedid Levy, Merav Dr. David Taub
2003 Caregiver’s beliefs and behavior in relation to behavior of children in her care (HEBREW) MA Yosefy, Nesya Prof. Pnina Klein
2003 The influence of the school primary prevention program "alcohol and driving" on adolescents with and without a risk-taking tendency (HEBREW) MA Zak, Irina Prof. Yaacov Katz
2003 The influence of computer application on attitudes towards computers, self-esteem and self-efficacy among Arab dropout youth (HEBREW) MA Zoabi, Houssien Prof. Shlomo Romi
2003 A meta-cognitive approach to student mistakes as a tool for the development of mathematical understanding and self-efficacy (HEBREW) MA Zoldan, Sarit Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2002 The effect of learning English in an Internet environment on the correlation between cognitive style and learning approaches and on school achievement and satisfaction (HEBREW) PhD Aharony, Noa Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2002 The autonomy of the learner in autonomous schools in Israel: institutional, classroom and personal aspects (HEBREW) PhD Altarac, Haia Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2002 Emotional intelligence and reference to attachment styles among boys and girls teens (HEBREW) MA Ariav Shoval, Irit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2002 The influence of structured water activities for infants upon motor ability, parental attitude, self concept and adaptation in kindergarten aged children (HEBREW) MA Asher, Daphna Dr. Adriana Feldman