Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2011 The effects of age development on spontaneous focusing on numerosity and mathematics structures on young children (HEBREW) MA Gahtan-Nissimov, Gali Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2011 The relationship between ethnic-cultural identity, role perception, coping style, working environment and burnout among youth workers in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Getahune, Simcha Prof. Shlomo Romi
2011 The role of adolescents’ attachment style, appraisal of teacher as a secure base, school sense of community and adolescent gender in explaining socio-emotional and behavioral adjustment among adolescents with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Hajbi, Meital Dr. Michal Alyagon
2011 Applying the learning program language education: Hebrew language, literature and culture for state elementary school and religious state elementary schools in third-sixth grades (HEBREW) MA Halfin, Ayelet Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2011 Applying the learning program language education: Hebrew language, literature and culture for state elementary school and religious state elementary schools in third-sixth grades (HEBREW) MA Halfin, Ayelet Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2011 An intervention program for the improvement of metaphorical language of learning disabled students in elementary school (HEBREW) MA Hanash, Merav Prof. Nira Mashal
2011 Religious belief and meaning as related to psychological adjustement following stressful life events: the case of the forced evacuation from Gush Katif (HEBREW) PhD Harshoshanim-Breitbart, Tal Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
Dr. Elli Schachter
2011 Religious belief and meaning as related to psychological adjustement following stressful life events: the case of the forced evacuation from Gush Katif (HEBREW) PhD Harshoshanim-Breitbart, Tal Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
Dr. Elli Schachter
2011 The contribution of school counselors in encouraging students to seek help in the event of school violence in the Israeli-Arab educational system (HEBREW) MA Ibdah, Esmat Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2011 Towards development and validation of a measure of reachers’ absenteeism attitude (HEBREW) MA Ishan, Gamal Prof. Orly Shapira-Lischinsky
2011 Reflection of language education policy in high school Arabic literature curriculum of the Israeli-Arab sector and the Palestini MA Jaber, Nur Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2011 The relation between cognitive, emotional, and motivational factors and cognitinve modifiability of low-achieving students (HEBREW) PhD Kahi Rosenbaum, Gabriela Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2011 Outcome thinking style: the effects of OTS interventions on students' abilities to solve general and domain-specific problems PhD Kaminka, Eyal Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2011 Principles of a working life intervention program for high functioning adolescents with ASD from middle school age (HEBREW) MA Kedem-Cuomo, Dina Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2011 Principles of a working life intervention program for high functioning adolescents with ASD from middle school age (HEBREW) MA Kedem-Cuomo, Dina Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2011 Resistence to technology change in school among teachers in centralized and decentralized management system (HEBREW) MA Lavi, Shay Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2011 The relationship between the principal’s commitment to the school and the organizational learning mechanisms (HEBREW) MA Levy-Brook, Liat Prof. Chen Schechter
2011 The impact of collaborative online reading on summarizing skills (HEBREW) MA Maidel-Kravetsky, Jenny Prof. David Passig
2011 Cutting edge milah: Halachik perspectives on brit milah with a laser (HEBREW) MA Markovitz, Itay Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2011 Researching "tekhelet" toward teaching about tekhelet to bar mitzvah age boy (HEBREW) MA Merzbach, Hillel Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2011 The relationship between conservatism, self-efficacy, autonomy, attitudes toward internet based learning and the choice of an internet based university course (HEBREW) MA Miron, Pnina Prof. Yaacov Katz
2011 Effects of variations in presentation of play materials on toddler’s communication skills and language in day-care (HEBREW) MA Naim, Shani Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2011 Effects of variations in presentation of play materials on toddler’s communication skills and language in day-care (HEBREW) MA Naim, Shani Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Cilly Shohet
2011 The relationships between learning strategies, students’ meta-cognitive knowledge, reading comprehension, and verbal mathematics problem solving: gender differences in 9th and 10th grade students (HEBREW) MA Nassar-Shema, Eyad Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2011 Effects of early intervention for children with sensory processing disorder on mother-child interaction and on children’s cognitive functioning (HEBREW) MA Neeman, Liat Prof. Pnina Klein