Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1997 The quality of socio-dramatic play and narrative competence in 5-6 years old children (HEBREW) MA Sagie Yael Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 The "loop construct" - the influence of a rhetoric structural attribute of the Talmud on processing Talmudic texts (HEBREW) MA Shoham Dan Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1997 The relationship between various types of self questioning and mathematical problem solving among pupils in the fourth and fifth grade (HEBREW) MA Tsur Rachel Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1997 The relation between mother-child mediated learning strategies and parental acceptance-rejection, child’s personality characteristics and child’s cognitive modifiability (HEBREW) MA Weiss, Shoshannah Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1997 The connection between authoritarianism, self esteem and teachers' attitudes towards democratic values, nationalism and political education and perception of the democratic climate considered appropriate in schools (HEBREW) MA Yoged, Amnon Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1997 The connection between the democratic climate, student perception, and intrinsic motivation (HEBREW) MA Zanzuri, Iris Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1997 Mediational behaviour in sibling interaction (HEBREW) MA Zaror Shlomit Prof. Pnina Klein
1996 The effects of "active experienced-base learning" (AEL) program on kindergarten children from low SES in questions asking, creative thinking and social interaction (HEBREW) MA Aharoni, Orit Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1996 Preferences of educational goals among new and veteran teachers teaching humanistic or science subject (HEBREW) MA Almozlino Malka Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
1996 The impact of long term intervention program in sociodramtic play the narrative and social ability of kindergarten children (HEBREW) MA Amsel Esther Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1996 Differentiation of self - assessment and contribution to marital satisfaction (HEBREW) PhD Apel Ze'ev Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1996 Relationship between mother-child mediation, maternal language style and the child’s language development MA Avigur Joan Prof. Pnina Klein
1996 The correlation between professional self-concept of teachers and their attitudes toward integrating computers in teachings (HEBREW) MA Bar Varda Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
1996 Parental involvement and factors related to it: an examination in Israeli state secular schools (HEBREW) MA Barak Orit Dr. Mati Ronen
1996 Self-regulating processes and motivational orientation as predictors of divergent production among gifted pupils MA Barth Ingrid Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Self regulating processes and motivational orientation as predictors of divergent production among gifted pupils (ENGLISH) MA Barth, Ingrid Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Contribution of mutual experiences in building the adaptation dimension between couples 'Affectional expression, cohesion, consensus & satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Bental, Ayelet Dr. Rachel Shifron
1996 An educational intervention program for promoting ego identity development in adolescence (HEBREW) PhD Birger Ruth Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 The reformative approach and the punitive approach in the juvenile courts in Israel (HEBREW) MA Finish Yosi Dr. Mordechai Frishtik
Dr. Mati Ronen
1996 The reformative approach and the punitive approach in the juvenile courts in Israel (HEBREW) MA Finish Yosi Dr. Mordechai Frishtik
Dr. Mati Ronen
1996 The connection between two methods of learning and achievements, motivation , attitudes toward school and subject matter , and the contribution of accompanying of meta cognitive process (HEBREW) MA Fischer Shlomit Dr. Hannah Shachar
1996 The relationship between ego identity , ego harmony , family factors and intimacy (HEBREW) PhD Fisherman Shraga Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 The relationship between training style, teachers's attitudes and pupil's achievement in reading and writing (Hebrew) MA Golan Nilly Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1996 Changes in teachers' attitudes and mediational teaching strategies as function of dynamic assessment training (HEBREW) MA Grafy Oshrat Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 The effects of question-asking skills on students' ability to solve mathematics word problems and to reduce mathematics anxiety (Hebrew) MA Har-Zvi (Hacohen) Shirley Prof. Zmira Mevarech