Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2005 Mothers’ and kindergarten-teachers’ attributions of the child's literacy skills compared to his actual performance: a comparison between two SES groups (HEBREW) MA Amar, Edna Prof. Ofra Korat
2005 Job satisfaction, sense of autonomy and participation in school and classroom decision making amongst teachers: a comparison between traditional vs. SBM (school based management) schools (HEBREW) MA Amar, Noga Dr. Hannah Shachar
2005 Alternative assessment in teacher education colleges: the relationship between openness to change, pedagogical beliefs, knowledge in assessment and the extent of using an alternative assessment of learning achievements (HEBREW) PhD Amrani, Nissim Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2005 Maternal cognitive and affective mediation to young children while reading a book and looking at a photo-album: a comparison between two social groups (HEBREW) MA Badash-Landau, Yael Prof. Ofra Korat
2005 Student’s characteristics and organizational variables explaining university dropout and termination of academic studying (HEBREW) MA Bar-Am, Zemira Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2005 Study of the Jewish and Israeli identity of youth coming to Israel with the "Na’aleh" project (HEBREW) MA Bar-Sheshet, Orly Associate Prof. Elie Holzer
2005 Strategies for mathematical word problems posing: relating heuristic strategies and characteristics for word problems posing with word problems solving strategies and efficiency (HEBREW) PhD Barat, Dorit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2005 The influence of conventional and distance learning environments PhD Barth, Ingrid Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2005 The relation between sexual identity parental inter relational perception, self concept, religions concept among adolescent in two educational systems (HEBREW) MA Ben Moshe, Avihu Dr. Adriana Feldman
2005 Identifying potential of giftedness in young children by dynamic assessment and emotional intelligence measures (HEBREW) PhD Bengio, Efrat Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 The effect of electronic book exposure on the emergent reading of pre-school children:QW a comparison between the work of an individual and the work of peer tutoring (HEBREW) MA Berebi, Nili Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2005 Characteristics of school and improvement in achievements in basic areas of learning in reading comprehension and mathematics in students of special education in the Jewish and Arabic sectors (HEBREW) PhD Bishara, Saied Chusein Dr. Hannah Shachar
2005 Positive emotions and cognitive functions in preschool children (HEBREW) PhD ‬Blau, Rivka Prof. Pnina Klein
2005 Evaluating the work of teachers within the framework of the organizational culture of the infant school, and the importance of evaluation as perceived by the teachers (HEBREW) MA Budniatzky, Bat-Chen Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2005 The influence of personal and organizational measures on the stature of school rabbis and principals, regarding the acceptance of students, their progression to tertiary study and the level of religious observance in state religious schools (HEBREW) MA Buzaglo, Aharon Dr. David Taub
2005 The effect of mother-child mediated learning experience and peer mediation on cognitive modifiability among young children (HEBREW) PhD Caspi, Rinat Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 The relationship between self-concept, locus of control and gender perception of Israeli adolescents (HEBREW) MA Cohen Shwartzman, Ortal Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 Metaphors efficiency on web orientation (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Rinat Prof. David Passig
2005 Gender differences in spatial ability of young children: the effects of age, training and strategies used to process visual-spatial information (HEBREW) PhD Egozi, Gila Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 The stability of decision making meta-cognitive model (HEBREW) MA Eliram-Pincovich, Ophira Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2005 Academization in higher education: processes of conceptual and structural changes in higher education in Israel (1975-2000) (HEBREW) PhD Fessler, Aliza Prof. Yaakov Iram
2005 Improvement of thinking and learning skills by cognitive modifiability battary (CMB) (HEBREW) MA Georg, Tamar Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 Cognitive and emotional processes that students with learning disabilities experience in their struggle to achieve a matriculation certificate (HEBREW) PhD Givon, Sara Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2005 An intervention program for promoting perception of emotional non-verbal messages and social performance of adolescents with learning disabilities (HEBREW) PhD Greenbank, Alicia Prof. Miryam Shemida
2005 The effects of meta-cognitive interactions in the e-learning environment on the development of the "slope" concept understanding and self regulated learning (SRL) (HEBREW) MA Gutman, Maria Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski