Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1996 Assessment of the reading processes: a comparison between the static and the dynamic assessment approach (HEBREW) MA Hellwing, Ariela Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Employment of props for the improvement of communication and plot dimensions, by intervention, in Socio-Dramatic play (HEBREW) MA Koresh-Lahana, Rina Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1996 Developing mathematical language in different learning environment (HEBREW) PhD Kramarski Bracha Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1996 The effect of exposure to the "Nevo" writing processing system on the level of writing, internalization & transfer of metacognitions, among students using the "Mikotev Lekoreh" curriculum (HEBREW) MA Licht, Perach Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1996 Effects of ability - grouping on academic achievements, emotional and motivational dimensions: a longitudinal study (HEBREW) MA Magory-Cohen, Irit Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Improving mathematical ability of children with down syndrome using MIM program (Mediational Intervention for Math) (HEBREW) MA Mary Arieli Prof. Pnina Klein
1996 Ethnic-bond nonverbal communication of Argentinian immigrants as a communication barrier during the early stages of Aliyah (HEBREW) MA Milchiker Trutner, Zvia Prof. Raphael Schneller
1996 Management style and orientation and parents' involvement (HEBREW) MA Minerbi, Igael Prof. Yaacov Katz
1996 The effect of mainstreaming autistic children on the attitude and morality of their normal peers in a schoolroom setting (HEBREW) MA Mishori Edna Dr. Adriana Feldman
1996 The link between art studies at an arts school and academic achievements (HEBREW) MA Noyman Daliya Prof. Yaacov Katz
1996 The relationship between the mother's coping style and the child temperament (HEBREW) MA Ronen Idit Dr. Avigail Yinon
1996 Management style and the principal personality as factors related to parental involvement at school (HEBREW) MA Shevach (Machloof) Bat-Sheva Dr. Mati Ronen
1996 Students questions in contact with teacher's questions of administration achievements in high schools (HEBREW) MA Somech Yemima Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1996 The connection between family climate and tendency of authoritarianism and between stands towards democracy in school and in the state (HEBREW) MA Stauber Dalit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
1996 The verbal thinking and non-verbal thinking of hearing impaired children (HEBREW) MA Stern-Davidovic Hindy Prof. Yaacov Katz
1996 Educational teaching: teaching Jewish studies and its contribution to forming Jewish identity and values (HEBREW) PhD Vaknin Rafi Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Educational teaching: teaching Jewish studies and its contribution to forming Jewish identity and values (HEBREW) PhD Vaknin Rafi Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Relationship between mother-child mediated learning strategies and cognitive modifiability among children with very low birth weight and normally born children (HEBREW) MA Weitz Aya Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1996 Evaluation of active and experience-based learning (AEL) program based on analysing the interaction between kindergarten teachers and children and the educational environment (HEBREW) MA Wolf, Dina Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1996 Teaching knowledge of Judaic subjects in light of epistemological criteria (HEBREW) PhD Yarhi Raphael Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
Prof. Charlotte Katzoff
1996 Teaching knowledge of Judaic subjects in light of epistemological criteria (HEBREW) PhD Yarhi Raphael Prof. Moshé Max Ahrend
Prof. Charlotte Katzoff
1995 The relation between loneliness, family functioning and ego identity among Israeli born and immigrant adolescents (HEBREW) MA Nir, Michal Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
1995 The relation between mediated learning experience in Ethiopian mother-daughter interactions and cognitive modifiability (HEBREW) MA Yehudai, Mira Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1995 Relationships between school organization and evaluation processes used in active learning classroom (HEBREW) MA Altarac Haya Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1995 The long-term effects of an early intervention program (MISC- More Intelligent & Sensitive Child) on young children, siblings and parents: A five year follow-up evaluation MA Arad, Orna Prof. Pnina Klein