Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2012 The relationship between attachment styles, self-esteem, social skills and social adjustment among children of immigrants (foreign workers) in Israel (HEBREW) MA Kedoshim, Lital Prof. Shlomo Romi
Dr. Mati Ronen
2012 The relationship between attachment styles, self-esteem, social skills and social adjustment among children of immigrants (foreign workers) in Israel (HEBREW) MA Kedoshim, Lital Prof. Shlomo Romi
Dr. Mati Ronen
2012 The relationship between career attitudes, based on the protean career model and the boundaryless career model, to the "big five" personality theory (HEBREW) MA Klein, Adi Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2012 Preservation of cultural and identity traits through teen centers in children of immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union during the 1990’s (HEBREW) MA Kotlyar-Ratner, Diana Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2012 The motherhood experience of mothers of children with severe brain damage, raised in institutions (HEBREW) MA Krigman, Yemima Dr. Tova Hartman
2012 Options for a future Jewish calendar (HEBREW) MA Lange, Yoel Yehuda Prof. Ely Merzbach
2012 Students’ willingness to seek help in the event of school violence by perspective of terror management theory (HEBREW) MA Levy Zofiya Prof. Yaacov Yablon
2012 Four and five years old children’s comprehension and production of drawn facial expressions (HEBREW) MA Mansour, Aia Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2012 The attitude of Arab and Jewish students toward each other : prejudice, negative stereotypes, social distance, attitude toward strangers, in-group identification, social contact and social relations (HEBREW) MA Maor, Rotem Prof. Zehavit Gross
2012 The connection between technological education and advancement in the Israeli labor market : the periphery versus to the center (HEBREW) MA Menkin, Dina Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. fff fffff
2012 The impact of the use of e-pen for homework submission in science, on homework quantities, test achievements and satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Moskovich, Eviatar Prof. David Passig
2012 The impact of ADHD on social skills, coping and self-regulation among teenagers with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Neemani, Hila Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2012 The contribution of legal literacy to accountability, autonomy and effectiveness in school principals’ decision making (Hebrew) PhD Nicolet, Ayala Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2012 The contribution of legal literacy to accountability, autonomy and effectiveness in school principals’ decision making (Hebrew) PhD Nicolet, Ayala Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaacov Katz
2012 The impact of MISC intervention program on interaction between staff and adults with intellectual disability and on the cognitive, affective and behavioral functions of the participants (HEBREW) MA Nudelman, Simona Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2012 The Role of metacognitive and metalinguistic awareness in word spelling and reading of children with SLI : an intervention study in Hebrew MA Nuri Ben-Shushan, Yohi Prof. Rachel Schiff
2012 Jealousy, theory of mind and social ability in high functioning children with autism versus low functioning children with autism (HEBREW) MA Orr-Meivar, Inbal Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2012 The relationship between teachers’ epistemological beliefs about knowledge, instruction, intelligence, human nature, and their instructional practices when facing students’ difficulty and failure in Mabar classes (HEBREW) PhD Ovadya, Talila Dr. Hannah Shachar
Dr. Avigail Yinon
2012 The relationship between teachers’ epistemological beliefs about knowledge, instruction, intelligence, human nature, and their instructional practices when facing students’ difficulty and failure in Mabar classes (HEBREW) PhD Ovadya, Talila Dr. Hannah Shachar
Dr. Avigail Yinon
2012 How the democratic school "Nitzan" tries to minimize social disparities of disadvantaged students : case study (HEBREW) MA Oz, Yuval Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2012 How the democratic school "Nitzan" tries to minimize social disparities of disadvantaged students : case study (HEBREW) MA Oz, Yuval Associate Prof. Iris BenDavid-Hadar
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2012 Theory of mind, episode memory and meta-memory among individuals with intellectual disability, with Down syndrome, and Fragile X compared to those with typical development (HEBREW) MA Rahamim-Svirsky, Naama Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2012 A model for the process of complex judgment of complex real-life events (HEBREW) PhD Rauchberger, Nirit Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2012 Analysis of mathematical structures in the Hebrew calendar (HEBREW) MA Raviv, Eran Prof. Ely Merzbach
2012 The Ethiopian immigrants’ education policy : decisions vs. implementation (HEBREW) MA Raviv, Orly Prof. Haim Gaziel