Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2001 The quality of toddler-mother interaction in relation to the toddler's perceived temperament (HEBREW) MA Cohen Reuveni, Liat Prof. Pnina Klein
2001 Approaches to teacher training in the sciences and humanities and changes in university students' attitudes and pedagogical knowledge (HEBREW) MA Dahan Shlomtzion Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
2001 Similarity in a couple on differentiation of self and interpersonal needs and its contribution to marital satisfaction (HEBREW) MA Efrati, Sharon Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2001 Do sex stereotypes exist in television cartoons for pre-school age children? MA Eilon-Kiper, Orit Dr. Chava Tidhar
2001 The bilingual influence on word awareness in Hebrew during early childhood (HEBREW) MA Gerstenfeld, Miryam Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2001 Self-identity, personal adjustment, social adjustment and family functioning perceptions (HEBREW) MA Getahun Simcha Prof. Shlomo Romi
2001 Social and learning processes in a virtual community for Hebrew language study (HEBREW) MA Gonen Zipi Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 The development of teachers’ efficacy and expertise in the process of establishing the use of computers in teaching (HEBREW) PhD Granit, Aliza Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2001 The relationship between Israeli adolescents' attitudes toward components of their self identity and toward liberal democracy (HEBREW) MA Gross Esther Evelyn Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2001 How children describe the experience of having one parent an observant Jew and the other a non-observant one (HEBREW) MA Hagin, Tami Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2001 Perceiving the schools' democratic atmosphere, possible and desirable, and tendency to authoritative personality of teachers and pupils in govermental and govermental-religious systems of higher education (HEBREW) MA Harel Orly Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2001 The effectiveness of programmed decisions in contrast with non-programmed decisions of school teachers (HEBREW) MA Herman Ronen Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2001 The effects of a computerized algebra system (CAS) using a meta-cognitive approach on problem solving and mathematical discourse (HEBREW) MA Hirsch Chaya Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2001 The child with difficulties in reading comprehension (HEBREW) MA Kaminetsky (Segal), Sharon Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 Motor planning of kindergarten children in reference to sequential memory, visual motor coordination and spatial orientation (HEBREW) MA Levi-Elnatan, Sarit Prof. Pnina Klein
2001 The effects of intervention in seriation from the "Bright Start" Program on the development of seriational-mathematical thinking of kindergartners of Israeli, Ethiopian and Russian origin (HEBREW) MA Mandel, Riva Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2001 The influence of acculturation style and family cohesion and family adaptability on the emotional and social adaptation of new immigrants students from the Former Soviet Union (HEBREW) MA Margolin, Tirzah Prof. Shlomo Romi
2001 The relations between attachment styles and trait anxiety to attitudes towards computers (HEBREW) MA Matzliach, Edna Dr. Avigail Yinon
2001 The experience of loneliness, social adjustment and social/cultural identity among deaf, hard-of-hearing and hearing students in institutions of higher education (HEBREW) MA Mizrahi, Merav Dr. Hannah Shachar
2001 Understanding a convert's life processes from his own viewpoint (HEBREW) MA Mor, Vered Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2001 The influence of staff development on perception of personal growth of nursery school teachers (HEBREW) MA Nagar, Ronit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 The relationship between leadership style and teachers’ professional culture (HEBREW) MA Nahum, Rachel Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 Following the learning process of a school principal during her first year (HEBREW) MA Nisim, Tali Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2001 Teachers' attitudes and willingness to mainstream students with special needs in the regular class (HEBREW) MA Oren, Sara Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2001 Teacher’s burnout, satisfaction at work and attitudes towards parent involvement, comprehension between different sectors of education in Israel: the Arab sector, the private religious sector and the state’s sectors... (HEBREW) MA Perets, Tammar Dr. Hannah Shachar