Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2015 Cream on Shabbat : a new look at the use of creams on Shabbat in light of scientific findings (HEBREW) MA Ote, Joseph Prof. Henri Trau
Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2015 Cream on Shabbat : a new look at the use of creams on Shabbat in light of scientific findings (HEBREW) MA Ote, Joseph Prof. Henri Trau
Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky
2015 Metacognition, metacognitive judgments and executive functions (associated with memory) : a comparison between high function ASD and typical developing children (HEBREW) MA Parness-Milchan, Lihi Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2015 Metacognition, metacognitive judgments and executive functions (associated with memory) : a comparison between high function ASD and typical developing children (HEBREW) MA Parness-Milchan, Lihi Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2015 The relationship between the act of hearing with regard to Halacha and physical process of an audio signal (HEBREW) MA Perlman, Amir Dr. Dror Fixler
2015 The relationship between pre-performance routine, personality characteristics and accuracy in sports (HEBREW) PhD Perry, Inbal Prof. Yaacov Katz
2015 On being a refugee in an elementary school in Israel : an ethnographic study MA Pollock, Katie Prof. Erik H. Cohen
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2015 On being a refugee in an elementary school in Israel : an ethnographic study MA Pollock, Katie Prof. Erik H. Cohen
Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2015 Mediated learning strategies, discourse components and cognitive modifiability in kindergarten teacher-child and mother-child interactions (HEBREW) PhD Rotem, Shulamit Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2015 The association between mother’s education level and the verbal-emotional ability, as well as with their child’s aged 4-6 years emotional abilities, as expressed verbally, in drawings, and in understanding illustrated facial emotion expressions (HEBREW) MA Salinas, Shani Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2015 The association between mother’s education level and the verbal-emotional ability, as well as with their child’s aged 4-6 years emotional abilities, as expressed verbally, in drawings, and in understanding illustrated facial emotion expressions (HEBREW) MA Salinas, Shani Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Dr. Waniel Ariela
2015 Formation of the religious identity of kindergartens in the government religious school sector in the Israeli educational system : between hegemony and independence (HEBREW) PhD Schneider, Orna Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2015 Technological innovation as a ground for parental attitudes in choosing a school, their satisfaction, and their marketing among target audiences (HEBREW) PhD Schreier-Schneider, Nurit Prof. Haim Gaziel
2015 The effect of training and the ability to transfer the new knowledge, in learning a motor skill among preschoolers (HEBREW) MA Schwimmer, Adi Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2015 The effect of training and the ability to transfer the new knowledge, in learning a motor skill among preschoolers (HEBREW) MA Schwimmer, Adi Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2015 High-school principals’ perceptions of their roles and abilities to cope with the reform "Oz Letmura" (HEBREW) MA Shamsiev, Odeya Chen Prof. Chen Schechter
2015 Governmental policy regarding early childhood education : a suggested model of implementation (HEBREW) MA Shetrit, Dorit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2015 The study of teaching and learning for teachers and students : meta cognitive approach comparison of fostering knowledge versus regulation of cognition (HEBREW) PhD Shilo, Anat Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2015 The contribution of drawing strategies to the comprehension of a scientific text in high school students (HEBREW) MA Siam, Karen Prof. Esther Adi-Japha
2015 Mother-child interactions during oral storytelling (HEBREW) MA Steier-Levy, Sharon Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Prof. Erik H. Cohen
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2015 Mother-child interactions during oral storytelling (HEBREW) MA Steier-Levy, Sharon Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Prof. Erik H. Cohen
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2015 Mother-child interactions during oral storytelling (HEBREW) MA Steier-Levy, Sharon Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
Prof. Erik H. Cohen
Dr. Maya Cohen-Malayev
2015 Ultra-orthodox women seeking pelvic floor physiotherapy rehabilitative treatment : halachic and medical motivators (HEBREW) MA Tene, Lea Prof. Jacob Bornstein
Prof. Menahem Neuman
2015 Ultra-orthodox women seeking pelvic floor physiotherapy rehabilitative treatment : halachic and medical motivators (HEBREW) MA Tene, Lea Prof. Jacob Bornstein
Prof. Menahem Neuman
2015 Attitudes of members in the Israeli Scouts and Bnei Akiva youth groups towards children with special needs (HEBREW) MA Tessler, Einat Prof. Zehavit Gross