Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2008 First-grade reading instruction: teacher instructional behavior and student achievement (HEBREW) MA Peled, Noa Prof. Rachel Schiff
2008 The Contribution of the course "teachers’ community for educational and environmental leadership" for developing environmental educators’ ecoliteracy (HEBREW) MA Porat, Martha Prof. Michal Zion
2008 The connection between the pedagogical beliefs of teachers of Bible studies and their perception of teaching Bible (HEBREW) MA Prints, Avishay Prof. Zehavit Gross
2008 The connection between quality of life at school and the students’ social skills in different age groups and in different educational frameworks (HEBREW) MA Roza-Zada, Iris Dr. Mati Ronen
2008 The relationship between linguistic skills and reading comprehension: a comparison between readers with typical development and readers with dyslexia (HEBREW) MA Sade, Nirit Prof. Rachel Schiff
2008 The effects of computerized peer mediation with young children program on mediation teaching style and cognitive modifiability among mediators and learners (HEBREW) MA Sasson, Limor Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2008 The relationship between family culture, identity exploration and personal stability in emerging adulthood (HEBREW) PhD Seri, Nurit Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
2008 The school counselors’ self-efficacy and its relation to their expertise as assessed by the teaching staff (HEBREW) MA Stav, Sissy Dr. Hannah Shachar
2008 From conflict to resolution: achieving cohesion in Jewish identity among women from sub-culture groups in Israeli society (HEBREW) PhD Steinberger, Pnina Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2008 The effect of peer mediation with young children (P.M.Y.C) program on children critical thinking and cognitive modifiability amongst students with hearing impairment (HEBREW) MA Tsubary, Maya Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2008 Self-image and adaptation of "Na’aleh" students and Israeli-born students, who study at the same school (high school yeshiva) (HEBREW) MA Tzadok, Yair Dr. Mati Ronen
2008 Humanistic philosophy at community school "Marganit": an ethnographic study (HEBREW) MA Weismann, Ofra Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2008 Children of "yordim" and their service in the IDF: perceptions and narratives with respect to their Israeli identity (HEBREW) MA Weiss, Benzion Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2008 The connection between gender studies intervention program and the gender attitudes of high school students (HEBREW) MA Yehuday, Meirav Dr. Mati Ronen
Dr. Rina Shachar
2008 The connection between gender studies intervention program and the gender attitudes of high school students (HEBREW) MA Yehuday, Meirav Dr. Mati Ronen
Dr. Rina Shachar
2008 Science and technology teaching in the inclusive classroom: holistic approach to teaching and learning (HEBREW) PhD Yifrach, Merav Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2008 The feminine identity of the Ashkenazi young women who is being educated in the Haredi educational system (Litvak and Hassidic) (HEBREW) MA Zivan, Yael Prof. Zehavit Gross
2008 Attachment style, loneliness and aggressive behavior among adolescents with learning disabilities with and without ADHD (HEBREW) MA Zvili, Erfat Dr. Michal Alyagon
2007 The role of the Druze school system in shaping the personality, identity and level of citizenship of its students: an ethnographic case study in two Druze high schools (HEBREW) PhD Abbas, Randa Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaakov Iram
2007 The role of the Druze school system in shaping the personality, identity and level of citizenship of its students: an ethnographic case study in two Druze high schools (HEBREW) PhD Abbas, Randa Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaakov Iram
2007 The relationship betweeen the acculturation strategies and causal attribution towards adjustment of Ethiopian born students to junior high school (HEBREW) MA Adane, Mara-Miriam Dr. Avigail Yinon
2007 The effects of literacy instruction in communities of learners within an interdisciplinary context, on student achievements and self efficacy (HEBREW) MA Ayalon-Moyal, Keren Dr. Miriam Alfassi
2007 Influence of teaching that integrate dynamic or static visual models on the development of an understanding of the transformation levels in the subject of "synthetic polymers" (HEBREW) PhD Bar, Dorit Prof. Shlomo Havlin
Prof. Michal Zion
2007 Influence of teaching that integrate dynamic or static visual models on the development of an understanding of the transformation levels in the subject of "synthetic polymers" (HEBREW) PhD Bar, Dorit Prof. Shlomo Havlin
Prof. Michal Zion
2007 Teaching through argumentation as a means to promote technological literacy (HEBREW) PhD Choresh, Cilla Prof. Zmira Mevarech