Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2006 Learning in small groups and the guantity and grammatical construction of student’s writing in heterogeneous middle school classrooms (HEBREW) MA Eitan, Tamar Dr. Hannah Shachar
2006 Education and national service, feminine gender identity: socialization processes in schools and during national service and the feminine gender identity of girls, graduates of religious Israeli high schools (HEBREW) MA Fellheimer, Shira Prof. Zehavit Gross
2006 Community of learners in an information technology environment: effects on literacy and academic self-efficacy (HEBREW) MA Filin-Haymovich, Liat Dr. Miriam Alfassi
2006 Adjustment of adolescent of divorced parents - an interaction effect of personality related an[d] family related variables (HEBREW) PhD Finkelstein-Bettesh, Idit Prof. Yaacov Katz
2006 Effect of the peer mediation with young children (PMYC) program on mediators and learners in computerized versus non-computerized learning environments (HEBREW) MA Guy, Ronit Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2006 The influence of metacognitive sup[p]ort during different levels of studying on scientific developmental thinking skills of fourth year students (HEBREW) MA Haibi, Liora Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2006 The influence of metacognitive sup[p]ort during different levels of studying on scientific developmental thinking skills of fourth year students (HEBREW) MA Haibi, Liora Prof. Zmira Mevarech
Associate Prof. Tova Michalsky
2006 The relationship between field dependence/independence and the level of improvement in visual perception by means of 3-D graphic programs in 9-11 year olds (HEBREW) MA Hakak Landau, Oshrat Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2006 Differences between volunteers and non volunteers at golden age (HEBREW) MA Halfon, Liat Dr. Mati Ronen
2006 The didactic efficiency of help files for the users demands (HEBREW) MA Heletz, Ofer Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
Prof. David Passig
2006 The didactic efficiency of help files for the users demands (HEBREW) MA Heletz, Ofer Associate Prof. Sigal Eden
Prof. David Passig
2006 Using internet forums among adolescent viewers of a popular television series ("The rebels") to discuss educational issues (HEBREW) MA Kablinsky, Dina Dr. Chava Tidhar
2006 The developing mental lexicon: evidence from morphological priming of irregular Hebrew forms (HEBREW) MA Kahta, Shani Prof. Rachel Schiff
2006 The relationship between pupils’ color, self esteem and performance in computerized assignments decorated by black and white pedagogical agents (HEBREW) MA Katz, Gili Dr. Mati Ronen
2006 Metacognitive decision-making process: teachers on inclusion of students with special needs (HEBREW) MA Keller, Ilana Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2006 Teaching methods: moving from theory to practice (HEBREW) PhD Kirshenberg, Lea Prof. Oded Schremer
2006 The effects of morphological, orthorgraphic and semantic factors on Hebrew word recognition: a developmental study (HEBREW) MA Kolan-Kadim, Limor Prof. Rachel Schiff
2006 Relationships between separation-individuation, community support and subjective well-being among young adults in kibbutzim (HEBREW) MA Loewenbach, Uzi Dr. David Zuckerman
2006 Joint attention and mother-child interactions with children on the autism spectrum as compared to typically developing children (HEBREW) MA Mor, Anat Prof. Pnina Klein
2006 The link between intimacy aspects, motivation of intimate-romantic relationships and self-image among adolescents (HEBREW) MA Moshkowitz, Tzvia Dr. David Zuckerman
2006 Idioms understanding and its correlation to reading comprehension and analogical ability (literal and non-literal), among hearing impaired (HEBREW) MA Mozes-Leibovich, Sara Dr. Ester Ben-Itzchak
Prof. Miriam Faust
2006 Idioms understanding and its correlation to reading comprehension and analogical ability (literal and non-literal), among hearing impaired (HEBREW) MA Mozes-Leibovich, Sara Dr. Ester Ben-Itzchak
Prof. Miriam Faust
2006 Structural and conceptual user interfaces and their integrated effect on learning from hypertext (HEBREW) MA Nadler, Liav Prof. David Passig
2006 The link between management potential, quality of job performance and school success (HEBREW) PhD Nisim, Tali Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yoel Goldberg
2006 The link between management potential, quality of job performance and school success (HEBREW) PhD Nisim, Tali Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yoel Goldberg