Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2004 The choice of combat versus non-combat military service and its relationship to personal motivation and Zionist ideology (HEBREW) MA Reich, Sara Dr. Mati Ronen
2004 The contribution of metacognitive training on developing mathematics teachers’ knowledge, discourse and self-regulated learning (HEBREW) MA Revach, Tali Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2004 Cognitive mediation and affective support during book reading activity and looking at a family album: comparing mothers and fathers from two socioeconomic strata groups (HEBREW) MA Ron, Ruth Prof. Ofra Korat
2004 Incidental learning from television among children in Israel: Incidental learning of foreign language and acquisition of attitudes about relationships - "Chiquititas", an example of telenovela for teenagers (HEBREW) MA Rosenzwige, Sigalit Dr. Chava Tidhar
2004 The correlation between linguistic pragmatic abilities and social information - processing skills among learning disabled children with verbal or nonverbal deficits (HEBREW) MA Roth, Vered Prof. Miriam Faust
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2004 The correlation between linguistic pragmatic abilities and social information - processing skills among learning disabled children with verbal or nonverbal deficits (HEBREW) MA Roth, Vered Prof. Miriam Faust
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2004 The characteristics of separation process between parents and their infants in day care case study (HEBREW) MA Rozenfeld Kraft, Ravit Prof. Pnina Klein
2004 The impact of "later life planning program" on preparation toward aging and life quality of adult people with intellectual disability (HEBREW) MA Schreiber, Michal Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2004 The effect of peer-to-peer technologies on the quality of a cooperative writing assignment in an academic class (HEBREW) MA Schwartz, Gali-Sigal Prof. David Passig
2004 Cognitive and affective aspects of mothers’ mediation in reading a book to a child and their contribution to his/her emergent reading: a comparison between two socio-economic status (SES) groups (HEBREW) MA Segel-Drori, Ora Prof. Ofra Korat
2004 The principles of the flexible day, and its contribution to pupils: to their motivation to learn, to the fulfilment of their potential, and to their attitude towards learning (HEBREW) MA Shalem-Atias, Merav Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2004 Reading comprehension among student with learning disabilities: main idea versus generate questions (HEBREW) MA Shomron, Vered Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2004 Self image and burnout of teachers, unattached youth workers and youth counselors (HEBREW) MA Simchy, Liat Dr. Mati Ronen
2004 Understanding causality and understanding essentialism in super-ordinate categories among hearing impaired and hearing children (HEBREW) PhD Stern, Hindy Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2004 Attitudes of teachers from the regular and special education systems towards the mainstreaming of students with special needs into the regular classroom in the Arab sector (HEBREW) MA Taya, Afaf Dr. Mati Ronen
2004 The relationship between cognitive complexity & abstract verbal thinking (HEBREW) MA Unger, Dafna Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2004 Factors influencing the consistency level of decision-making amongst junior high school students (HEBREW) MA Yosef, Galit Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
2004 The relation between preschool mathematical knowledge and cognitive modifiability in analogical thinking (HEBREW) MA Zilber, Dafna Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2003 The effect of interacting with 3D self-posture (Desktop VR) on the body image of hadicapped children and adolescents (HEBREW) MA Aharonovitch, Lea Prof. David Passig
2003 Sensitivity to violence in TV programs among children 10-11 years old and adolescents (HEBREW) MA Barkay, Lilach Dr. Chava Tidhar
2003 Sense of coherence and it’s correlation to cognitive attribution style and stress appraisal (HEBREW) MA Ben-Hamou, Galit Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2003 Satisfaction of children with Down Syndrome and their parents from special education settings and integration in regular education (HEBREW) MA Biton, Ester Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2003 Satisfaction of children with Down Syndrome and their parents from special education settings and integration in regular education (HEBREW) MA Biton, Ester Prof. Pnina Klein
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2003 The attitudes of special and regular education teachers towards the resuscitation and treatment of infants with birth defects and the inclusion of pupils with special needs in the mainstream class (HEBREW) MA Bodinuk-Butz, Anat Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz
2003 Attachment styles, sense of coherence and quality of interpersonal relationships amongst adolescent boys and girls (HEBREW) MA Chason, Sagit Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely