Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2008 The relationship between auditory temporal processing and dyslexia: a comparison between phonological versus surface developmental dyslexia (HEBREW) PhD Bar-El, Sharona Prof. Rachel Schiff
2008 The relationship between organizational school climate, self efficacy and burnout among teachers in elementary schools (HEBREW) MA Bar-Nir, Sara Dr. David Zuckerman
2008 Effects of a mediation program on violence, sense of loneliness and self-image of junior high school students (HEBREW) PhD Barokas, Nitzan Dr. Hannah Shachar
2008 Teaching Tanach in government middle schools - gaps between vision and reality: teachers speak from the field (HEBREW) MA Ben-Ami, Sarit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2008 Differences between teacher-parents and non teacher-parents in their parental involvement in their children’s school (HEBREW) MA Ben-Chai, Raaya Dr. Mati Ronen
2008 The personal meaning of religion: a conceptual analysis and the suggested markets for identifying personal meaning within life stories (HEBREW) MA Ben-Hur, Avital Dr. Elli Schachter
2008 Enhancing sequential time perception amongst children with mental retardation through virtual reality technololgy (HEBREW) MA Bezer, Michal Prof. David Passig
2008 The relationship between thinking styles and learning approaches and their influence on assessment methods and reading comprehension of students (HEBREW) MA Cohen-Ivgi, Efrat Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2008 The effect of PMYC (peer mediation with young children) program, on mediation teaching style and achievement in solving verbal analogies among hard of hearing children (HEBREW) MA Damti, Hila Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2008 Participating in programs fostering young leadership and sociopsychological factors related to it (HEBREW) MA David, Adi Dr. Mati Ronen
2008 The relationship between cognitive style and multiple intelligences on different styles in learning tasks (HEBREW) MA Dorot, Smadar Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2008 The Relationship among community center managers’ leadership style, communication patterns and affective commitment of employees (HEBREW) MA Farhadian, Shirin Prof. Haim Gaziel
2008 A New inventory for measuring modes of existence and its relationship to personality characteristics and values (HEBREW) PhD Feldman, Michal Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2008 Exploring organizational learning mechanisms in special education: A case study MA Feldman, Niv Prof. Chen Schechter
2008 The effect of the activity with an educational electronic book on the emergent literacy of preschool children at risk for developing learning disabilities, in comparison with joint reading (HEBREW) MA Fellah, Renat Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
2008 Semantic effects on implicit and explicit morphological processing: a developmental perspective (HEBREW) MA Fighel, Avital Dr. Michal Raveh
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2008 Semantic effects on implicit and explicit morphological processing: a developmental perspective (HEBREW) MA Fighel, Avital Dr. Michal Raveh
Prof. Rachel Schiff
2008 The relation between early writing and phonological working memory among kindergarten children: dynamic versus static assessment (HEBREW) PhD Flor-Maduel, Hila Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2008 Externalizing and internalizing bahaviors amongst adolescents: the contribution of individual and parental resource (HEBREW) MA Gamliel, Reut Chen Dr. Michal Alyagon
2008 Teaching with laptops and virtual campus as a routine: characteristics of teaching practices in regards to teaching strategies, lessons’ planning, teacher-student interaction, and school vision (HEBREW) MA Gazit, Mina Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2008 Teaching with laptops and virtual campus as a routine: characteristics of teaching practices in regards to teaching strategies, lessons’ planning, teacher-student interaction, and school vision (HEBREW) MA Gazit, Mina Dr. Ornit Spektor-Levy
Prof. Michal Zion
2008 Multiculturalism in teacher education in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Gilday Weitzman, Binna Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaakov Iram
2008 Multiculturalism in teacher education in Israel (HEBREW) PhD Gilday Weitzman, Binna Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Prof. Yaakov Iram
2008 The development of a computerized intervention program for the advancement of phonological awareness and reading and a test of its effect on phonological ability, reading levels and quantitative perception of numbers among children... (HEBREW) PhD Gitait, Aviva Prof. Ofra Korat
Prof. Zmira Mevarech
2008 The development of a computerized intervention program for the advancement of phonological awareness and reading and a test of its effect on phonological ability, reading levels and quantitative perception of numbers among children... (HEBREW) PhD Gitait, Aviva Prof. Ofra Korat
Prof. Zmira Mevarech