Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1977 The Talmudic parable as an educational technique (HEBREW) MA Yarhi, Aharon Prof. Dov Rappel
1976 Variability and instability in perceptual and reading functions in children with learning disabilities (HEBREW) MA Aviezer, Ya'ara Prof.
1976 Vocational education systems for adolescents in Switzerland and in Israel similarities and differences (a comparative study) (HEBREW) MA Balicki, Chaim Prof. Yaakov Iram
1976 Israel festivals in the curricula and instructional plans of state-run kindergartens (HEBREW) MA Ben-Sira, Rachel Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
Prof. Eliezer Stern
1976 Israel festivals in the curricula and instructional plans of state-run kindergartens (HEBREW) MA Ben-Sira, Rachel Associate Prof. Yisrael Rich
Prof. Eliezer Stern
1976 Interventional strategies for the rehabilitation and advancement of disadvantaged pupils in the Israel elementary school (HEBREW) MA Heyman, Uziella Prof. Yaakov Iram
1976 An investigation of social integration and social attitudes of pupils after the establishment of junior high schools in the Israeli school system (HEBREW) MA Katz, Yaacov Prof. Miryam Shemida
1976 Social adjustment of Kibbutz-children sleeping in communal dormitories, compared with that of Kibbutz-children sleeping at home (HEBREW) MA Nussbaum, Zelda Prof. Iosef Glanz
1976 The relationship between teaching methods, creativity level and self image - among grade children (HEBREW) MA Porat, Nili Prof. Zecharia Dor-Shav
1976 Jewish education in Hungary 1945-1949 (HEBREW) MA Riesel Miriam Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 Grouping pupils in elementary schools for the teaching learning process (HEBREW) MA Chernov Hava Dr. Avraham Zalkin
1975 The Arab kindergarten in Israel (HEBREW) MA Cohen Miriam Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 The relationship between the central government and the local government in Israeli educational system (HEBREW) MA Englender Lea Dr. Chaim I. Brawer
1975 The apprenticeship as social mobility (HEBREW) MA Erez Nehcehmia Prof. Shlomo Poll
1975 The pedagogics of Joseph Zvi Carlebach (HY"D) - principles and practice (HEBREW) MA Gilis Miriam Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 An emanation of the uniformity of thinking of the pre operational age through a study of the development of concepts of quantity, space and time according the Piaget theory (HEBREW) MA Hobara Yona Prof. Iosef Glanz
1975 The reinforcement of rational considerations in the vocational choice and its impact of reducing fears encountered in this process (HEBREW) MA Lewy Simcha Prof. A. Ziv
1975 Differential aspects of thinking in dead children resulting from causes of deafness and educational environment (HEBREW) MA Pery Hanna Prof. Iosef Glanz
1975 Basic mathematical concepts, a method for development of logical thinking for the ages 3-6 (HEBREW) MA Pumerantz Sara Prof. Iosef Glanz
1975 The impact of background traits, motivational orientation and vocational aspirations of rating status of vocations in a group of adolescent (HEBREW) MA Reuveni Sami Prof. Reuven Feuerstein
1975 La reeducation des enfant et des adolescents Juifs, victimes de la guerre, dans des homes d'enfants de Belgique (HEBREW) MA Riesel Aria Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 The most suitable framework for students requiring a special education (HEBREW) MA Serussi Nissim Prof.
1975 Modes of Jewish self-awareness and self identity in Israeli's children literature between the years 1960-1970 (HEBREW) MA Stern Dina Dr. Joseph Walk
1975 The relations between moral judgement and anxiety of privileged and under-privileged adolescent (HEBREW) MA Tor Miriam Prof. Iosef Glanz
1975 החינוך המקצועי בישראל כחברה טכנולוגית מתפתחת MA Vocational education in Israel a developing technological society (HEBREW) Dr. Yosef Levinson