Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2002 A comparision between students who live in a residential school and external students who learn in the same school in relation to social values, social skills and social anxiety (HEBREW) MA Hereshekoviz, Ester Dr. Zeev Apel
2002 A comparision between students who live in a residential school and external students who learn in the same school in relation to social values, social skills and social anxiety (HEBREW) MA Hereshekoviz, Ester Dr. Zeev Apel
2002 Non-verbal behaviour of the lecturer and students’ perception of him in the classroom interaction, in distance teaching via videoconferencing and in traditional teaching (HEBREW) MA Lev, Yael [bat `Amos] Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2002 Interaction analysis in two learning environments: distance learning via videoconference, and frontal learning )HEBREW( PhD Lev, Yosi Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
2002 Academic adjustment of first generation university students: case studies (HEBREW) MA Levi, Edit Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2002 Teacher’s image, classroom environment and attitudes toward Biblical studies as reflected in the perceptions of 11th grade students (HEBREW) MA Levin, Ariel Dr. Rivka Glaubman
2002 Studying interdisciplinary curriculum with group investigation and 9th grade student’s perception of quality of school life (HEBREW) MA Lilach, Carmit Dr. Hannah Shachar
2002 Reading achievements in two reading methods and its relationship to cognitive ability, phonological awareness and adaptability to first grade instruction (HEBREW) MA Lukach-Albek, Shoshana Dr. Micha Razel
2002 Personal and social adjustment and self-image amongst Ethiopian and U.S.S.R (Russia) adolescent immigrants and Israeli adolescents in the Israeli educational system (HEBREW) MA Mangosto Worko, Wubit Dr. David Taub
2002 Friendship and emotional understanding in children with learning disabilities MA Morash Janice Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2002 The frequency of violence in elementary schools and how teachers and students perceive it (HEBREW) MA Nachmany, Sigalit Dr. Hannah Shachar
2002 The relation between work stress, ways of coping with stress and personality type (A/B) to marital quality of counselors (HEBREW) MA Nakdimon, Ilanit Dr. David Zuckerman
2002 The effect of practicing 3D computer games on the spatial ability of children (HEBREW) MA Nathan-Zarfaty, Ilanit Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2002 The effect of practicing 3D computer games on the spatial ability of children (HEBREW) MA Nathan-Zarfaty, Ilanit Associate Prof. Offir Baruch
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2002 Leaving a religious way of life among young adults from Israel’s National-Religious society (HEBREW) PhD Ne’eman, Nechama Prof. Eliezer Don-Yehiya
2002 Changes in emotional adaptational and learning processes among students at a special education school specializing in behavior problems a case study (HEBREW) MA Nevo, Sharon Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2002 Enhancing writing processes and reflection among students doing portfolio (HEBREW) MA Peled, Einat Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
2002 Educational approaches, expectations and behavior-supporting achievements of parents as perceived by achieving and underachieving students (HEBREW) MA Raz, Ilana Dr.
2002 The relationship between preferred ways of coping and the tendency to smoke cigarettes (HEBREW) MA Rehavi, Merav Dr. Moshe Israelashvili
2002 Schools’ cultural merging into an educational campus (Hebrew) MA Rosenblum, Doron Dr. Jo-Ann Harrison
2002 The effect of peer mediation with young children on mediational teaching style and solving mathematical word problems in interaction between mediators and learners (HEBREW) MA Rozen, Meirav Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2002 The effect of peer mediation with young children on mediational teaching style and solving mathematical word problems in interaction between mediators and learners (HEBREW) MA Rozen, Meirav Associate Prof. Adina Shamir
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2002 The attitude of Jewish pupils in Israel towards the Arabic language and its relationship to origin, sociopolical attitudes and the parental attitudes (HEBREW) MA Salman, Limor Dr. Mati Ronen
2002 Quality of adult-toddler interaction home and in day care in relation toddlers’ language development (HEBREW) MA Saltsman, Judy Prof. Pnina Klein
2002 Religious female students’ readiness and preparedness for transition from high-school (HEBREW) MA Seri, Nurit Dr. Moshe Israelashvili