Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
1998 The relationship between locus of control and adjustment: a comparative study between children with emotional problems, hearing impairments, cerebral palsy and non-handicapped students (HEBREW) MA Isman, Esther Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 The affect of wilderness program on locus of control, self-esteem and self-efficacy on drop out youth in "The Units for Advancement of Youth in Israel" (HEBREW) MA Kohan, Ezequiel Prof. Shlomo Romi
1998 The effect of type training institute on commitment, self esteem, professional esteem and on principals-teachers' preferences (HEBREW) MA Laufer, Vered Prof. Haim Gaziel
1998 Israeli youth journey to Poland: cognitive and affective attitudinal outcomes towards the Holocaust (HEBREW) MA Lev, Michal Prof. Shlomo Romi
1998 The effects of a Health Education Program, administrative and teacher attitudes on the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of fifth and sixth grade pupils (HEBREW) MA Maimon, Zipora Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1998 The influence of story grammar's schema on reading comprehension (HEBREW) MA Masar, Yael Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
1998 Young children's use of computers with and without adult mediation (HEBREW) PhD Nir-Gal, Ofra Prof. Pnina Klein
1998 The connection between the order of cheking exams, the time spent cheking the exams and the seniority of the teacher, and the grades given in a composition examination (HEBREW) MA Pat-El, Liat Associate Prof. Joseph Klein
1998 Examination of variables: self image, academic achievement, social orientations and locus of control within an unique environment for "Mifneh" detached youth (HEBREW) MA Sasoon-Peretz, Vered Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Educational intervention for the conceptualization of individual and collective Jewish identity in a democratic society (HEBREW) MA Schechter, Miriam Prof. Yaakov Iram
1998 The influence of morphological, phonological and orthographical characteristics of words on outloud reading precision of second, fo[u]rth and sixth graders (HEBREW) PhD Schiff, Rachel Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Ora Schwarzwald
1998 The influence of morphological, phonological and orthographical characteristics of words on outloud reading precision of second, fo[u]rth and sixth graders (HEBREW) PhD Schiff, Rachel Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
Prof. Ora Schwarzwald
1998 Roles' design of the teacher and the educational team from a professional, pedagogical and organizational viewpoint in the Dror school (HEBREW) MA Sela, Sivan Prof. David Passig
1998 Knowledge about the written language: comparison between children from immigrant families from Ethiopia and children from non-immigrant Israeli families (HEBREW) MA Sverdlov, Aviva Prof. Pnina Klein
1998 Teachers' perception of management, decision making and staff work in schools that did and did not participate in organizational in-service training (HEBREW) MA Van Der Horst, Yarona Dr. Hannah Shachar
1998 Teaching methods of question generation and achievements of students with learning disabilities in junior high school (HEBREW) MA Yogev, Rivka Dr. Rivka Glaubman
1998 The study of mathematics in computerized environments providing various types of feedback (their relationship to achievement, the conception of transfer, perceptions and beliefs and orientation) (HEBREW) MA Zeichner, Orit Prof. Zmira Mevarech
1998 The effect of illustration on the way a child in his/her late childhood relates to a story (HEBREW) MA Zilberberg Klar, Gabriela Dr. Adriana Feldman
1998 Attachment styles, loneliness and social adjustment of boys and girls during later childhood (HEBREW) MA Zilbernagel Yarkoni, Shlomit Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1998 Attachment styles, loneliness and social adjustment of boys and girls during later childhood (HEBREW) MA Zilbernagel Yarkoni, Shlomit Dr. Adriana Feldman
Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 A comparison of the level of effectiveness of autonomous schools to other schools in Israel (HEBREW) MA Cohen, Yael bat Uri Prof. Haim Gaziel
1997 Immigration and family as factors in the adjustment of Ethiopian adolescent immigrants (HEBREW) MA Itzhaki, Haya Dr. Adriana Feldman
1997 Parental/teacher involvement in the educational-learning process in schools (HEBREW) MA Ahrak, Gidon Prof. Yaacov Katz
1997 Reading instruction in the traditional Heder (HEBREW) MA Altman, Tamar Dr. Miriam Gillis- Carlebach
1997 Self-concept, family relations, ego-identity and stages of development in Cystic-Fibrosis children, adolescents and adults (HEBREW) MA Atlas-Tadmor, Tal Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel