Theses & Dissertations


Year Student Advisor
2005 A model for teaching the cognitive skill of Melioration to pre-service science teachers in a college for teachers (HEBREW) PhD Margaliot, Adva Prof. David Passig
Professor Emeritus David Tzuriel
2005 Educational beliefs in preschool teachers’ narratives (HEBREW) MA Mayrav, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2005 Educational beliefs in preschool teachers’ narratives (HEBREW) MA Mayrav, Liat Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Etty Ornan
2005 The organizational profile of school, and the organizational culture and climate in elementary and high-schools as perceived by administrators, home-room and subject matter teachers (HEBREW) MA Mirsky, Ester Dr. Hannah Shachar
2005 Social development and play behavior of children with Down Syndrome inclusion in to a regular kindergarten (HEBREW) MA Mizrachi, Inbal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2005 Social development and play behavior of children with Down Syndrome inclusion in to a regular kindergarten (HEBREW) MA Mizrachi, Inbal Associate Prof. Deborah Court
Dr. Varda Sobelman-Rosenthal
2005 The effect of cognitive experience in virtual reality on test anxiety awareness among pre-service teaching students (HEBREW) MA Moshe, Ronit Prof. David Passig
2005 Children’s reaction to stress in times of terror, attacks as a function of trait anxiety, locus of control, religiousness and proximity (physical and psychological) to terror events (HEBREW) MA Naim, Rinat Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 Mathematical communication, linguistic and spatial ability of preschool boys and girls, and teaching behaviors of their teachers (HEBREW) MA Nazri, Simha-Sima Prof. Pnina Klein
2005 Jealousy and social referencing in young children with high functioning Autism (HEBREW) MA Orbach-Caspi, Efrat Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely
2005 The influence of watching music videos on young children’s responses to and understanding of music (HEBREW) MA Ospovat, Yael Dr. Eva Brand
2005 Children’s viewing of television news: the relationship between parental mediation and fear reactions (HEBREW) MA Ronen, Galia Dr. Chava Tidhar
2005 Values embodied in children’s literature (early childhood) in government schools (HEBREW) MA Rosental, Ety Associate Prof. Deborah Court
2005 The relationship between a professional development course for music teachers and classroom teaching in the years following the course (HEBREW) MA Saban, Gabriela Dr. Eva Brand
2005 Self-regulated learning and social skills acquisition in inclusion, special education and regular classes (HEBREW) MA Sagi, Debbie Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2005 Self-regulated learning and social skills acquisition in inclusion, special education and regular classes (HEBREW) MA Sagi, Debbie Associate Prof. Bracha Kramarski
Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2005 Factors associated with role stress and burnout among principals of general and special education schools (HEBREW) MA Sarig, Smadar Prof. Haim Gaziel
2005 Changes in the religious sphere among female Ulpana graduates studying at Bar-Ilan University (HEBREW) MA Scheinowitz, Ruthi Associate Prof. Arie Cohen
2005 The relationship between web characteristics, personality characteristics and the tendency to use cybercounseling (HEBREW) MA Selinger, Orit Dr. David Zuckerman
2005 Toleration and cognitive complexity: characteristics and mutual relationship (HEBREW) PhD Shai, Orly Associate Prof. Shlomo Kaniel
2005 Educational leadership amidst Jewish teenagers and young people in Israel, U.S.A, England and France (HEBREW) MA Shatz, Lilach Prof. Erik H. Cohen
2005 The role of values in determining the marketing policy of principals of religious and secular schools: a comparative study (HEBREW) MA Shohat Pat-El, Ayelet Dr. Mark M. Wasserstein-Warnet
2005 Effects of variations in presentation of play materials on toddlers’ behavior in day-care (HEBREW) PhD Shohet, Cilly Prof. Pnina Klein
2005 The validation of didactic diagnosis for dyslexics adults by psychophysical measures (HEBREW) MA Siri, Orna Dr. Yitzhak Weiss
2005 Examination of the "acculturation" process, by examining three different aspects amongst long-time Israeli students and students who have immigrated from the Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union) (HEBREW) MA Treister, Amit Prof. Erik H. Cohen